Nuwer Junkyard?

don is hands down one of the most down to earth dudes when it comes to his mad baller status. He even let me drive his boat:jawdrop: it was mucho gusto

OT money is awesome. he always has top notch chicks with him.

so in other words, everyones biggest complaint here is that they were trying to make money? you cant really blame them for that, they are just doing their jobs. sounds like some of you guys are just cheap and want something for nothing. i understand its a junkyard, but i think they deserve some credit for running one of, if not the cleanest junkyard(if thats even possible) around wny.

they dont operate a fucking garage sale. the name is not unicef junkyard.I would tell you off as well.I hate when people try to haggle with me.

Yup, I told you about ~my experience.
Just to share…I called and asked for a North Star Caddy T.B. Well, they had it AND they were $10 UNDER Vince’s on 93 in Akron (btw, he fucking sucks hes a bigger asshole than Nuwer. Talked down to me the whole time, charged me an assload for a part that should be considered “part” of the assemb.

I should add though…like others have said…they know there stuff well…and know the cost of those “certain” parts you think you could sneak under the radar :snky: lol

Well thats why I wanted to know because they have a few supras their but Im not looking for anything in particular, just wanted to have a look see and if any parts catch my eye that I might possibly need in the future.