Where Are The GOOD Salvage Yards In WNY?

If anyone has a place…please post the name, and number, and location if u are so inclined :wink:

Greatly appretiated!

the only place i know…with good price, nice people…

Able Auto, down in Chew Road, Sanborn, NY
phone: 716-297-0010

they got lots of domestics…very less imports…

If you needs used parts, Marks Auto parts does the job, never had a problem there. Clean, organized, exactly what you wouldn’t expect. LOL


wheres this and do they have european stuff?

Nuwers in Holland always has parts i need.

Marks has it sometimes but not always, usually mostly domestic,

J+J has everything even when he tells you he doesnt you need to show up and go look for it

skyway has alot and I mean alot of euro stuff…fiat, peugout (sp), VW, older audi, not much new…


If your looking for GM stuff Wilberts in rochester has tons

vince’s has alot of high end cars and import/euro stuff…but i called there to talk to the guy about some jag parts and he was a HUGE asshole to me. very unprofessional IMHO

hahah welcome to the wonderful world of junkyards!

If you want amything at Skyway off any imports bring a machette, and a GPS…To hack through the jungle.

Yeah they do have some sweet cars and yeah the guy is a complete asshole. I think the JnJ cigar guy is the biggest a-hole of them all. Skyway guys are nice unless you catch em on a bad day and the a-able guys are always cool. The one guy at able was nice enough to get my doors unlocked since I locked my keys in my car.

Early spring, as soon as the weather is nice, is the only time to go there. You can’t even see some of the cars through the brush! Plus the usual attack bees haven’t made homes in the cars yet. Decent prices and they let you walk around. I once scored a full set of Jetta GLI Trophy Recaro seats for $75.:cool: It’s fun to just wander around to look at the wierd imports that haven’t been seen on the roads around here in decades.

Nuwers has always been good to me

word… ugh, that is one tough yard to negotiate. and there’s cars that have been in there since i was a freshman in college…

in '99

it’s called a crusher, guys.

wilberts has alot of 98+ GM, But gets top buck. Your better off with PJs in calidonia.
Just get somthing cheap becuse your gona blow it up agian.

m and m u pull it. place rules for breakin shit.

Skyway used to be awesome, you could just go and mill aroudn for an hour or 2 and they wouldnt’ care, they also had a lot of 60’s stuff, havn’t been there in 10 years so I don’t know how it is now. The tall skinny dude used to be a prick, the dude that used to look like the guitar player for Blue Oyster Cult (Buck Darma) was cool.

Lugnuts through windsheilds is a fun game!!

Last time I was there I heard a huge smash from a window exploding, and I looked over to see some guys looking guilty.:rofl: No wonder insurance is so high. Nothing like going there in the winter- walking on a sheet of ice with pieces of jagged rusty metal sticking up from the ground, holding onto rusty cars hoping not to fall.

i love spending about 45 minutes just fucking around there

i like opening doors and trying to knock them off tommy boy style, just open it up and run as fast as i can into it