NY about to pass strictest gun laws in nation

Pretty much specifically screws all AR15 / AK47 / FAL owners.

NYF deleted my want to buy post :frowning:

I’m still buying guns here in Texas. :slight_smile:

Hypothetically speaking, if someone was to be in Nevada in… say… 8 hours from now, could they purchase ammo and have it shipped back to their home Or business?

Jan 2014

3 guns = felony 3
1 assault rifle = felony 1
10 guns = felony 1

Its pretty funny getting caught with a full auto machine gun is a lower felony then getting caught with an semi auto rifle with 1 evil feature after this lol

---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 AM ----------

Don’t see why not

They mentioned not being able to do anything about interstate commerce driving to PA and buying ammo is perfectly legal.

Won’t be long and this will be happening on the thruway.

So in summary:

-Number of NY citizens who can become guilty of a felony by doing absolutely nothing: Thousands and thousands. (I really don’t see how this will stand in court.)
-Means for holding healthcare workers legally liaible for the mentally ill shooting someone: established.
-Number of guns made illegal: 0.

Well done NY.

To clarify for anyone just tuning in: As of when Cuomo’s pen hit the paper yesterday, you can no longer legally purchase an “assault weapon” in NYS from anyone. There is no grace period. “Assault weapon” sales in NYS are done.

If you have an “assault weapon” you can keep it legally, but you have to register it within a year or sell it to someone out of state. Those are your only legal options.

If the gun in question is a semi-automatic rifle that accepts a detachable clip it’s an assault weapon now if it has pretty much any other feature. Pistol grip, thumbhole in the stock, bayonet mount, etc, etc, etc. Basically if it’s semi-automatic and doesn’t look like a vanilla hunting rifle it’s an assault weapon and if you didn’t have one yesterday morning you can never have one legally in NYS. If you have one now you can either register it and keep it forever or sell it to someone out of state. Legally anyway…

Heads up people with pistol permits I heard The Buffalo News is attempting to get the name/addresses to publish

I know this isn’t a huge deal for some permit owners but others might care.



I thought some part of this, or another, new law prevented this. Or have I been reading WAY to much shit lately?


You have to opt out with a form that isn’t created yet :lol:

haha , ok right. I cant believe what a total cluster fuck the way this was rammed through, not could my mother apparently:

Mom- I didnt know they [senators] worked that late at night to sneak things through
Me - Oh ya, but I bet they are late with the budget
Mom - We have a budget?


From what I’ve been reading from the gun people on my facebook feed you have a number of things wrong, unlikely, or misleading here. For example, can’t you still buy a new AR for up to a year?


Technically yes… You can buy it in PA and then register it in NY within the time frame that you have to register the gun. They do not know when it was acquired as registration was not necessary in the past. Once that time frame passes then the answer will be NO until someone repeals this shit law.

How is it technically yes?

Good luck getting an FFL to transfer it to you.

You can’t just drive to PA and buy a gun with a NYS license.

We would have to assume from a private sale in PA?


Like I said, no. Section thirty-seven is the part of the bill that redefines assault weapons and the end of the bill says that it takes effect immediately except for… And it lists a bunch of sections that take effect 60 or 90 days after it becomes law and section thirty-seven is not one of them.

So no you cannot buy or sell an AR-15 in NYS anymore. Not legally. Mike what you proposed I’m pretty sure is some sort of felony by bringing an illegal gun into NYS.

No you can’t face to face a private sale between people who live in two different states.


ATF already said 80% lowers are legal and are not gun parts.

Someone needs to check the bill and see if they made any other gun parts illegal since the lower the only part with a serial and controlled.