ny law for sticker decals?

Does any1 know how many of those suckers i can slap on my back window without the fuzz choking on their donuts? :ohnoes

I dunno, but k20powerz has about 100 total stickers on his car, and I don’t think he’s been hassled for that yet.

ya can get away wit spry paintin the window black so i dont see how sticks are gonna matter

Theres no law for back windows. You can paint it black for all they care- just look at alot of work trucks and vans- no rear window at all.

The windshield and side windows are all they worry about.

Dimitar you are one goofy russian. :motherland

Hey Vlad :wave

you just had to use that smiley didnt you… at least that russian mustache has this reaction with yo mama: :jawdrop

i’ve got an orange TiAL sticker for ya

haha what’s tial?


lol cool, do i know you? i know jo jiggles

have you seen a gray old jetta belching tons of black smoke?

nope, but i don’t hang around at the car people gatherings

yo i got a few sti and shocker stickers for you

haha alright thanks dude, ill just throw on w/e on my car

just saw that thing today, i was behind it when he pulled into i love NY pizza, stinks like a fuck, i thought he blew it up and was still trying to drive and then im like oh, its a turbo jetta hahaha

my mki had the rear window completely filled and never had a cop say anything about them even when i got pulled over.

im still waiting to hear back from vlad about getting me a red shift banner for my back window…wtf dude haha jk :confused

woah woah woah, i never pulled into i love. are you sure its the same car? mines really low with spokey corrado rims.

i wasnt paying attention to the rims, i was looking for a macktruck with the smoke but all i saw was a jetta, does it just say turbo under the right side tail light and nothing else? and is it lowered? and loud obviously

not loud, it’s slammed, says Jetta GL under the right rear taillight