NY troopers plan to target speeders this week

I got a parking ticket this weekend. :facepalm

wasn’t laser breh

Speaking of which I got straight screamed at by some toll bitch at exit 23 albany bound. All the dumb sheep motherfuckers stick to the inside ezpass lane and effectivly stop the off ramp leading to the tolls on busy mornings, all the while the far left ezpass lane is 100% empty… LOAD BALANCING MOTHERFUCKERS.

anyways I go over there the first physical chance I get and this bitch comes out of the toll both on the left of the ezpass lane, looks the down 787 ways and just keeps walking across my path! Never even looks up at me untill I am crawling towards her and honk the horn. She looks up startled (I assume she forgot what way that toll was facing at the time and though traffic would be coming from the other way, yet was too dumb to check both ways to be safe) and immediately starts yelling at me saying I was going too fast and almost hit her! I just called her a dumb fucker for walking out infront of traffic and not even lookin first.

/kk rant over.

I dont know what it is, I think they are aimed differently or tuned differently. the 5mph toll and the far left of exit 23 787 bound is very fast to respond. I go 15-20 though that and always get a green light just as I am about to pass the tree. Others at the same speed are never as fast, and if I crawl through them they finally take. Chalk it up to another shitty NYS system that doesnt work right.

I got a few speed violations in the past, havnt gotten my tag yanked yet. All you have to do is sign back up, I doubt the online request process is smart enough to see you are flagged and wont let you get one. Its probably on the computer with your name/mailing address but I bet its only for some dumb human to find and tell you NO.

wait a min, you guys were on the bikes, on the highway doing 55-60/65-70… in the middle lane!!!

this is the one time I might have to hit the NEG REP button! Not only are you guys in the wrong lane, that’s straight up dangerous. Move over first off, Passing lane - Passing Lane - Driving lane. It boils my blood when I see anyone doing a steady speed, slower than the flow of traffic and has the space to move over and get in the correct lane and doesnt. I am sure it does for many others too. Now I ride so I would respectfully make my pass, but many others dont and chances are it would piss people off and make unsafe passes to go around you guys, probably on left and right.

And getting passed from the rear on a bike is super sketchy. The mirrors are small, so they dont catch your eye enough, and watching your rear view like a hawk, just seems to open the doors for disaster ahead of you. People like to pass and look at the people, bikes especially as they go by. Alot of shitty drivers do this and unknowingly creep towards the other lane as they do this.

This is why I HATE getting passed, car or bike. Lead follow or get the fuck out of the way.

//kk rant 2 over and out.

I wasn’t the leader :ohnoes

I know that it was more directed to the other guy, but i didnt know if it was Rocket or USMC you were riding with.

GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION MAN!!! Should have squided outa there and blast off at like 160mph like a bad ass! lol

Got away with just an exhaust ticket LOL

Ok, I guess when my detector says laser its lying then… :lol

It was not USMC, It was me. :rofl

My observation is the middle lane is the slowest, and all the slowest traffic is in the middle. It might be the wrong lane for the slowest traffic but I was just going with the flow of the traffic; Either I join the lane with the slowest traffic or I create a new one by using the far right (the “correct” lane).

Never knew there is such a legitimate reason for speeding, I will sure use that as an excuse if I ever get a speeding ticket. :rofl

must be lying…ST4TUS is never wrong

Expect to see more “public safety” measures from NYS Troopers; You know, they got to keep the department funded to be the 2nd highest pay troopers in the entire country…:rofl

Newspaper analysis: NY Trooper pay 2nd most in US

good for them,now they can go suck on a few more dozen glazed while they cash in 6 figures.

Surefire way to tell it’s a cop. Or the Police badge/writing on the underside of the driver’s side sun visor…

Lots of money for guys that would otherwise be gym teachers. Went to high school with some real dumbasses and all of them wanted to be either PE teachers or cops.

statey right b4 rt 7 in latham shooting northbound

FYI, getting into the Troopers isn’t easy. And they typically (now) don’t hire dumbass slugs.

According to the article, they stopped hiring any people since 2008.

You can’t protect your over paying job if you hire people that is as capable but can and are willing work for 2/3 of that salary. Pretty logical move to A) prevent them from being replaced by lower paying work force because now no one will ever have any experience doing what they are doing and B) keeping their wallets fat by keeping their numbers down so they can say they are “overworked” and hence deserve being overpaid.

Yes, they haven’t hired in awhile. Last academy got layed off I heard but that could be here-say.

I hate cops but ironically I don’t think that they are overpaid

State Troopers are waaaaay overpaid for the “jobs” they are doing. They are just revenue collectors for the state. Local and County officers are the ones that are in the battlefield and deserve that type of cash. Troopers can stick their radar gun up their ass because they are the laziest fucks in the LE field.