NYC School wont allow "God Bless the USA" song at graduation

I disagree. If you say ‘remove God from this or that’ then yes, it might cost you major votes…but if you flat out come out and say, “Hey, I personally don’t believe in a God but I won’t remove it from the money, schools, etc.” I don’t think it would make a huge difference in votes.

More and more people are anti-religion. Hell, there are issues in my religion (Christianity - denomination is pentecostal which is very similar to baptist) but I’ve always said and will say again…believing in a higher being (in my case Jesus) is more about faith than it is about rules, etc. (religion). Faith is a feeling, a relationship so to speak with God. Religion is tangible. It’s something we see, do, etc.

Two different things IMO. We just call it one - religion. It’s like me telling some people I’m Russian because they are too ignorant to know where or what Ukraine is.