NYIRP: Wednesday 8/1/07


Who’s still going?


should give someone a PHONE CALL like i’ve told you guys many times. Not an IM at 2a.m. wanting me to come in at 10 that’s just downright bullshit.


My IM was just to remind you incase you were still up, bc Paul said he had it worked out with you days in advance.

nothing has ever been worked out in advance, where does he keep coming up with this? it’s been said many times with people around to call me if you want me to work. plain and simple. oh well no work no care…i enjoy sleeping in everyday anyways.

would have love to go but no chance of getting out of work early today…hopefully I’ll make it out there on a weekend event or something.

Wow, great night for me lol

I thought heatsoak would be my worst enemy but it turned out to be myself and my great workmanship again.

ehh, I still had fun

haha yea still a decent day. i’ll post pics tomorrow after work

ok couldn’t resist so here’s a few
wills hotness

who ran what?


first run… 10.8 @ 143 mph
second run 10.6 @ 139
third run 10.8 AGAIN…

THEN IT WAS BRACKET RACING… i need practice on this bike :(… my 60’s sucked

:tup: nice traps will :smiley:

11.3 @ 123, after two back to back 12.2 runs and then I dialed in at 11.8, i ran the 11.3… suuuucked.

what did moboost4u run


first pass I launched from 3500 just warming up and ran a 13.8
second pass was trying but I bogged and ran a 14 flat
third pass spilled four quarts of oil all over nyirp

there was no fourth pass just a long boostles slow ride home.

^ what happened?



first pass I launched from 3500 just warming up and ran a 13.8
second pass was trying but I bogged and ran a 14 flat
third pass spilled four quarts of oil all over nyirp

there was no fourth pass just a long boostles slow ride home.


eh shit happens, i would probably run the same times lol

Looks like a crank case vent hose went under so much pressure that it came off the T.

There was oil all over the hood right above where it was and a real sharp bend in the hose leading to the T so me thinks it sprayed from there.

Lets pray its that simple, I lost a lot of oil.

“nah joe its cool i got a few more threads left in the drain plug…FUCK FUCK FUCK! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! OWW FUCK THATS HOT! FUCKIN’ DRAIN PLUGS IN THE FUCKING OIL! USE THAT BOTTLE! IM DONE! IM FUCKING DONE!” <----josh as all 6 quarts of oil come pouring out onto the ground after they just filled it…not funny at the time but funny now that the car is actually running w/ no problems…good to see thats all it was josh


josh as all 6 quarts of oil come pouring out onto the ground

