NYIRP: Wednesday 8/1/07

ill race the zx-10 tomorrow…

ok… ready to get wiped?


ya probably! :lol:

what did you say you think you’ll trap again?

this fucker was running strong last night


Man Id like to go to this, anyone want a passenger?


Let me know if ya wanna cruise out with me.

a pro with my bike traps 149 with a blue printed motor etc etc… i am hoping for 135 ish with a 2.1 60…
we’ll see… i’ve seen fat guys barely trap 140… and only run 10.6… who knows how ill do. i dont know if i’ll be able to keep the front end down

umm i did some research… if i trap anything over 142 ill be happy… i dont think i have any straps… so its going to be hard to get a decent 60…

KRYTON… where are you dude? anybody got his number?

i think we need to cruise tomorrow with camera :slight_smile:

be at the paint store and we will

where are we meeting and you forgot me on the list…also i am also just watching…


We will meet at Schuelle Paint on Main st… near transit… its across the street from the BMW/Mini dealership ~4:00-4:30… ryans gonna try to have all the sand out of his vag and be ready to leave around then… dont be late… cuz im not going to wait… there should be a yellow and black bike in the parking lot at the least.


meeting there i guess justin :tup:

yea we are meetin there… please tell me j found the straps justin… pleassssse

although im no sue its going to be a good idea with new fork seals lol

i won’t be going never got the tires mounted up…and my broke ass can’t afford the gas to and from.


i won’t be going never got the tires mounted up…and my broke ass can’t afford the gas to and from.


should have come to work on monday…2 birds, 1 stone

ill be there a little before 430… dont leave without me

word… final bump… im getting the bike ready right now…

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should have come to work on monday…2 birds, 1 stone


should give someone a PHONE CALL like i’ve told you guys many times. Not an IM at 2a.m. wanting me to come in at 10 that’s just downright bullshit.

pats afraid of high 11’s i think… lame…

its so freakin hot out…i don’t know if i want to leave teh pool or not

worst day to race ever lol