NYPD police breaking the law.



who the fuck cares? they have a dangerous job… who gives a rats ass if they block a fire hydrant. A cop is usually within earshot of their car all day long anyway

no harm no foul

if he caught a cop mugging someone that would be a different story

that guy needs to get a hobby/life


+1. Who cares if they park their cars their. If they need the hydrant then bust out the windows like you are supposed to and let the officer get chewed out for parking their and causing the municipality $$$.


Are you stupid? You realize she was 100ft from a fire truck with the sirens blasting, and still stood in the store with her fucking finger in her ass…

within an earshot he says…


Watch the video and tell me where the fire is and see how many firemen are running around getting gear ready to put a fire out. Traffic is still flowing so it was serious enough to stop traffic even if their was a fire. I am not saying she was right, but I also don’t see any other emergency personnel in any excitement either.


We are alowed to smash the windows in on cars that are parked infront of a hydrant. If it is a cop car…I guess they will get their ass reamed for getting the cruizer fucked up. Saving a structure and people’s lives > Douche bag’s car that is parked illegaly.


Then I blame whatever fireman that looks and goes “oh, it’s a cop car so lets not follow procedure and save the burning building with people inside”


A little advantage? Thats just dangerous and put lives at risk in case of a fire.Sneaking a french fry is different then putting peoples LIVES at risk.There was a fire that could have been serious and she didnt even know it was going on or cared(She probably knew because the window was right there). Then has the nerve to waddle her fat ass to the car and take her time.She didnt even stop at the scene of the fire.She should be fired


I’d say it is a little advantage. The key word you used was in case of a fire. Where was there a sense of an emergency in that video? Just because a truck pulls up with sirens automatically there is a massive fire?? Maybe it was a medical call or a small fire in a restaurant kitchen. And the fact that she took her time further shows that this wasn’t a serious incident. She had the time to sit and let this guy do his thing and not a single sign of a fire getting put out or any urgency.

I am not saying she is right, but you guys need a reality check lol. You can’t honestly be concerned with something as small as this.