[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:39,topic:34595"”]
I am Army Infantry. I work as far from a desk as possible, 8000 miles from home. I CANT make mistakes or I literally will die. That job has nothing on mine. Nice try, now try and pull that foot out of your mouth and don’t make stupid assumptions like you just did.
Small details are as important as the big things, especially in a job that you just admitted was dangerous or stressful. If you do the right thing all the time, you don’t fuck up and you dont get hurt. They are obviously not paying attention to their jobs. They are wrong. They are public servants and as a result they are supposed to be check BY THE PUBLIC.
My foot is far from my mouth. As an member of the army, how would you feel if a standard civilian followed your division around and posted a video when one of your fellow soldiers fucked up? What would you do if I followed your platoon around with a camera and got in your face when you didn’t follow protocol?
Trying to compare the military to a simple parking division of the NYPD is a joke. There are some sectors that have no room for stupidity such as this, but this is not one of those. Policing is para-militaristic. It obviously does not compare to most military proceedings or operations.