NYPD police breaking the law.

I would love to have somebody there to make sure that nobody would step out of line. We have too many fuck ups out there with us that don’t follow simple instructions or standards. Good luck getting me pissed off if I fuck up. If I do something wrong, I know I messed up and it does not happen again. Yes, some people are different. Those people are wrong. I can not believe that you are supportiong the blatant disregard for traffic laws BY THE TRAFFIC POLICE. That is like ATF ignoring fire arm limitations, or going out and drinking on the job. Thats a negative.

And as a note, we have media attached to my company nearly every month.

I know the point you are trying to make. Public servants need to be monitored. I agree that it isn’t a harmful thing and is a good idea. What this guy is doing is blasphemy. Someone keeping taps on what someone is doing is one thing, but following them around with a camera and waiting is another. Every time I see the media report on military issues I want to puke. I feel they should leave the military, and on a smaller scale, the police alone. Believe it or not they do police themselves.

All of them were BLACK WOMEN… how are they allowed to even have a job?

HAHA. Just kidding…

But seriously…a few of them had to be over 300#. How is it that they can be a police officer? THey are clearly out of shape…

they should be fired on their over-weight

That’s is why some of them have a job. Also why they are just traffic/parking division.

+1 fat cops = bad cops (Please see Superbad for example)

I admit i speed every day but then again im not an officer who is sworn to uphold and protect the law as there job.

I dont think she even noticed or cared what the situation was.
What if they didnt see the hydrant there?
I hate cops who are just plain lazy.I guess it just gets to me.

This thread is retarded. Sure the cops were in the wrong for parking there, but who cares, that guy seemed like just as big a douchebag.


I agree with you on people being lazy.

That guy is a giant douche with nothing better to do.

I like how the piece of shit supposed “ex nypd cop” in the second vid didn’t give a shit that she had her car parked in front of a hydrant while that fat excuse for a cop was inside fucking off. And whether the guy filming was a douche bag, asshole, faggot, idiot, whatever you want to call him, at least he proves a point. And as for cops having a dangerous job and should be cut slack, fuck that. Cops aren’t even close to the most dangerous job out there.