NYS College Tuition Tax Credit/General Tax Question

i want nys to give me money, however from what I’ve read, if you receive financial aid you must deduct that from what you paid in that year.

sooo that means I didn’t pay dick.

if I ‘forget’ that I received financial aid and put down what my tuition was, total, without the financial aid when applying for this credit, what are the chances of them checking? what would they check? I can’t imagine them calling the business dept of every student who applies for this to make sure they aren’t fudging the numbers a bit.

and what are the potential repercussions of them seeing my ‘error’

is there also a federal tax credit I can massage in this same manner? I’ve never ‘massaged’ my income taxes before, and this would probably be my only tax credit/deduction.

help me get more of your money, Shift518.

In return, I will continue also paying income tax and therefore giving you some money as well.

I think that’s how it works.

I am getting $1000 extra for filing that I went to school and received aide. Be advised that the state pretty much paid for me to go to school as well. So it isn’t going to make a difference whether or not you got aide. go to freetaxusa.com and try both scenarios out before you file, and see how much you get either way.

paging TracEy.

You should receive a 1098-t form from the school that you attended…If you do your own taxes online you can try switching between which credits that you qualify for to try and get a bigger refund…The best bet is the American Opportunity Education credit which I think is new for 2009, you can get up to a $2,500 credit on tuition over $4000 but I think it is fro first or second year students… There also is the Lifetime learning credit which I think is available for 4 years and is up to $1500…check irs.gov and see what you qualify for…Im pretty sure the worst the IRS would do if you fudged up your numbers is just reject your return and then you would just have to do it over again…

im pissed i just realized that grad school doesnt do anything for me with taxes.

I would NOT recommend ‘forgetting’ financial aid- NYS is cracking down on EVERYTHING and I would almost guarantee you will receive a notice from them asking for the additional money you’d owe this year and they will hit you with redicules interest and penalties.

There is also a FED credit you can take advantage of- I also would not suggest you ‘massage’ this figure, as they will also catch up with you. They have up to 3 years to find your mistake, and I would almost guarantee they will send you a notice demanding money. Here is a link with some information on the credit- http://www.irs.gov/publications/p970/ch06.html

I will do some more research on additional tuition credits today and get back to you tonight- tax time and work is retarded busy.

It kind of evens out benn cause you get a ton of money for being a student and you can write off all your books and nay costs that you financial aid didn’t cover.

I dk where you heard that, but you CAN’T write off books etc.

I have written off my books for the last 3 yearsthey can be includd in you student exspenses

Yeah, a close friend works for T+F and said their own worksheet instructions doesn’t ask for anything more to be checked than the amount paid and whether I’m eligible based on being a NYS resident/what school I’m enrolled in.

Still not gonna do it I guess :frowning:


From http://www.hesc.com/Content.nsf/ExternalPage?OpenFrameset&a=SFC&u=http://www.tax.state.ny.us/pdf/2008/inc/it272i_2008.pdf

The following are not qualified college tuition expenses:
— Tuition paid through the receipt of scholarships or financial aid
(For this purpose, financial aid does not include student loans,
other loans, and grants that must be repaid either before or after
the student ceases attending school.)
— Amounts paid for room and board, insurance, medical expenses
(including student health fees), transportation, or other similar
personal, living, or family expenses
— Fees for course-related books, supplies, equipment, and
nonacademic activities, even if the fees are required to be paid
as a condition of enrollment or attendance

TracEy knows all. +rep

Well then she can tell me how to effectively rip NYS THE FUCK OFF


Student teaching expenses- yes

College student expenses- NO. Just hope they don’t catch up with you…

There are a few NYS credits I still need to look into- give me a few hours!

much appreciated!

and why cant i claim grad school. that shits not free and i think i should be able to get the same credit as undergrad. if the state is going to make me get a M.S. to teach then I think its fair.

maybe if you did your student teaching you can like tracEy mentioned above.

any word on tax credits for grad students that havent student taught.

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