nys gun laws


It comes to this,

If you have a rifle MADE after 1994 (the start of the federal ban) that has a detatchable magizine, you can only have one “Evil Features” before it becomes an “assualt rifle”, those features being:
Flash hider
bayonet lug
pistol grip
Folding, or colapsing stock
Grenade launcher
High capacity mags MADE before 1994 are still legal also.
Now this is the state law, if you live in rochester, there are even more BS rules
In short, buy a “pre-ban” lower reciever for your ar/ak and then you can have all the features that the feds allow. But let a fudd (as in elmer fudd, hunter but gun hater) see you at a range, and your sure to get some flack. Go sign up for AR15.COM and read up young jedi :slight_smile:

My Toy


that thing is f’n baddass.