I said no thanks to the star property tax credit in my last home. This house the town pretty well forces it.
This guy hit the nail right on the freakin’ head. This needs to be handed out to every single fast food employee with their paycheck. I know they probably wouldn’t read it, before going to cash their check and head off to the local mall to get some new “swag” and maybe beat up a mom and daughter before heading back to their hood to seek out new ways to get something for nothing.
It isn’t paying enough? OK, get another job. Get a second job. Get a third job. Get a different job. Trust me, this is a better plan than asking the government to force your employer to pay you significantly more than the market allows.
Extensive investigations have demonstrated a causal link between job loss and minimum wage hikes, and even the Congressional Budget Office says that a minimum wage of just over $10 an hour could cost half a million jobs.
So here’s my suggestion: Put down the sign. Tuck in your shirt. Plaster a fake smile on your face. Go to work. Flip those burgers and work those cash registers like your life depends on it. Do it like it’s your art, like it’s your passion, like it’s you’re mission on Earth.
You don’t deserve $15 an hour to work a drive thru. But you might very well deserve significantly more to do something else.
Now figure out what that is, and go grab it.
Your thought process on not applying, just curious. You are the only person I know that can claim that thusfar, other than someone that forgot or didn’t know to file.
My total property tax on that house was $383.24. The time to fill out a form and submit for the credit would have been more costly than any gain. I am not noble, just not willing to be bothered.
My previous job before i did hvac i worked in a medical office as a checkout security(girlie job), i made 12.73 an hour, i went to school to better myself, didnt qualify for financial aid so i had to take out school loans.
Luckily hvac was only 2 semesters i only owed like 6k.
Luckily i do pretty good work andd learn quick. I asked for a 3 dollar an hour raise and got it. Its weird when you change tax brackets and the raise that sounds like a large amount doesnt feel as large after a few months. Then i started to think well next year i wont be getting that big of a raise, so its not gonna be that noticeable and i will never be truley happy with how much im getting paid.
Got another another 2 bucks an hour because i asked for it, and first pay check was up about $40 or so. Still doesbt feel like much lol. I think the cost of living is pretty high and even though i make $20 an hour which is 40k a year i feel like its not much.
Like i would not be able to afford a 30k car which is the avg price of a new vehicle. I do have my own house i split the mortgage with my girlfriend, its a small house in a decent neighborhood and its about $850/month vefore splitting by 2.
So when everyone flipping burgers makes $15 an hour, theyll soon realize its not much either.
Military discount? Tough to bother with the paperwork for that amount of difference, no doubt.
I just received this email from a recruiting company that I am on the list for:
The employment market has changed dramatically over the past 6 months. The number of open positions has risen and the number of available candidates has dropped. The combination of supply/demand has moved markedly towards the ‘supply side’. (President Reagan would be proud).
In this first half of this year, we have seen a dramatic rise in fall-offs. A Fall-off in recruiter-speak is an offer that is rejected by the candidate. Over 50% of those fall-offs have been due to poor offers from our clients and the balance are due to candidates either taking counter-offers from their current employer or accepting offers from another company. As our history has been remarkably ‘clean’ from fall-offs, this represents a new dynamic for us. We have always ensured that our presented candidates are fully interested and qualified to join the company. We reliably review the reasons for making a move; inquire about any other potential activities or interviews on the horizon, etc. But this year has produced a rash of poor offers and last minute surprises by our candidates. And apparently, we’re not alone.
In an informal canvassing of our clients, we’ve found that their HR departments have been besieged with turned down offers, coupled with a business slowdown in the first quarter (weather, West coast port closures, economic concerns, etc.). I don’t see offers getting any easier.
Our industry is changing rapidly, with the need for specific technical skills increasing. The changes are throughout the electrical industry:
- Technology. The advent of LED has now pushed into Controls which is moving into the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data.
- Alternative energies. Solar is growing rapidly (of course dependent upon governmental support which compromises the predictability to play in that market). Wind power has become a big growth area across the country (albeit with similar problems of governmental subsidies).
- DC power distribution. The advent of HVDC and its attendant control gear has also enabled the trend to distributed generation. Low and Medium voltage DC is now enabling adoption of alternative energies ‘off-grid’.
- Melding of industries. There is very little clear line of demarcation between electronic and electrical now. The advent of electronic sensors and controls has brought the two industries together to the extent that EE’s are now more common than ME’s in engineering departments.
- Melding of industries, Part Deux. LED Lighting is now communicating and interfacing with: Security; Building Automation; Safety; HVAC; Data/Com.
- Channel confusion. The growth of new entrants into the US market has created significant stress on the legacy channel structure. The definition of ‘customer’ has expanded and with that the channel relationships of the past have been strained.
- New channels. With the new technologies come new channel players: LED ‘distributors’; ESCO consultants; Low voltage installers; Data/Com distributors; HVAC distributors; end-users; ‘certified’ contractors; solar installers; etc. All of these are new ‘direct’ customers of electrical manufacturers.
Our manufacturer clients are trying to define what technical skills or customer relationship skills they need for the new world. Our distributor clients are trying to add sales specialists with end-user skills in alternative energies, building automation, controls technologies, etc.
The manufacturers are fighting companies they’ve never heard of in the past; most without the awareness of whom or how much is being sold into their market. Manufacturers find themselves trying to identify talent that can bring them into the new channels, or have the expertise in new control or software technologies that are expanding rapidly. It’s a market in turmoil. And turmoil means opportunities.
Traditionally, there have been two ways to attract talent:
- Buy 'em. Traditional recruitment methods of finding someone who can plug and play into the open position. It’s still the fastest ROI for filling a critical position, and obviously ideal for professional recruiters… such as Egret.
- Grow 'em. Create college recruitment bench strength strategies to acquire, train and grow the next wave of talent in your company. It’s the best method to maintain orderly compensation budgets with relatively low turn-over. Growing talent shields you from the vagaries of ‘open market’ talent. But it requires significant investments in training and recruitment with the downside risk of losing your best and brightest to the efforts of a skilled recruiter. It’s very easy for us to spot a grow 'em strategy… their compensation structure is always below the market.
With the renaissance in the industry it’s difficult to understand how a company can confidently hire someone for a new venture in their company (i.e. controls or software or specific new markets like solar or fracking, etc.) without knowing which questions to ask to ensure that person is capable of doing the next ‘new thing’. We’re all flying blind to some extent.
In the past 3 months alone we have launched searches for Software Architects, IoT experts, Solar business development and President or GM’s for new US startups from off-shore companies. Each of those searches was new to Egret and tasked us with identifying not only the talent, but the market compensation model for each of those roles. Which leads me to my final point… offers.
The days of 10% unemployment are long gone. People are no longer desperate for a new job and they certainly aren’t interested in taking lateral moves; with larger risk. Your internal equity means very little to the people you need to attract… the new candidates are expecting and receiving far larger increases in compensation than from 2 years ago.
While I fully appreciate the vested interest in this last point, I also feel we owe our clients honesty in the market. Our compensation surveys are current and real. We’re not doing market level compensation surveys across ‘Manufacturing’ or ‘Distribution’. Our compensation numbers are within the electrical industry only… and the results are live! Accept the fact that talent is more expensive. It’s going to be that way for some time. In short, if you want to hire somebody… make them an offer they can’t refuse.
- Updated - - -
Nope an awesome assessment that was not changed in the short years I was there. The new owners will probably get screwed though.
This is pretty similar to me, except I went the sales path and ended up in Insurance. I also opened a side business because I realized the need for supplemental income while I work to build my book. The money doesn’t come quick with insurance, it takes years and years of building relationships and then finally capitalizing on those relationships. Imagine working for years and not even getting what you’ve been chasing? All that work with nothing to show for it.
Maybe I should go to the government and make them force that person to let me write their insurance policy and collect the commission. While I’m at it, I should make the carrier do all the work, but still pay me for it.
This whole thing has me fired up and I’m not sure why. It’s not like it will affect me that much, but I guess it’s the point of it.
We had to change healthcare so that these same people who don’t qualify for healthcare because they can’t be bothered to do anything to put themselves in a better position, can now have access to it. Oh and they also want to spread the cost of that among all of the hard working middle class.
So now, because these same people got their cheap healthcare, they now want more pay too. Might as well burden the hard working middle class with that too. Let’s hit the business owners again, who already are getting fined for not being in compliance of the ACA, mainly because it was rolled out without a clear, concise plan…
Most insurance is only necessary because our nation as a whole (individual & government) lives beyond its means. Without the government pumping out money and allowing wild leverage you would probably be in a different field. If our money was even remotely honest you would surely be in a different field.
There is a clear entitlement issue in this nation, this is undeniable. It extends to every last one of us, our poor are wealthy when compared to other countries. I am far from fiscally liberal, I actually loathe bleeding hearts and their cries for freebies. The “ACA” is absurd and does NOTHING in terms of “affordability”. The thought that “healthcare is a right” is absurd, treatment comes at the doctor/practices expense. Great, now you’ve got me rambling. LOL
Maybe more people should learn how to use a computer?
You could be self taught and if motived easily make 50, 60, 80, 100k+
I bet most the “give me $15 an hour” crew knows how to use a computer, fuck they likely have Obama-phones with data in case they find themselves in an emergency. We are paying twice for that shit right, taxes and a monthly cell bill chargeback?
You just lost 95% of these people…
Lol at anyone who thinks fast food workers deserve anything more than minimum wage. If they truly deserve $15/hr then that’s what minimum wage should be. It seems borderline discriminatory for the government to mandate more money for any specific job that doesn’t carry any exceptional risks. It should be pretty easy to see this for what it really is: cuomo pandering to the minorities who keep him in. Same goes for the insane MWBE requirements all state agencies must follow. 30% of all purchases must be from minority/women owned business. So these MWBE entities know they have the state by the gonads and charge brutal prices. It’s the reason construction contracts for state work have gotten completely insane. $1000 per sf is nbd now. And that’s crazy.
My wife stays home with our soon to be here baby, we both drive new cars and we live in a decent house. And I work four fucking jobs to make sure we live very comfortably, and to ensure our future is secure. Fuck anyone who thinks they should be allowed to work one bullshit unskilled labor job in food service and deserve the same quality of life that I do. Because if that’s the case, someone owes me a fucking Bentley
It’s, “entitled to a fucking Bentley”, but otherwise spot on.
We live in a country where parents are protesting testing and building a unified core set of skills kids need because testing is too hard at the same time we are saying our part time work force in fast food can’t live on $7.25 an hour.
Nope. the tests are another corporate handout from the Govt to Pearson. They are horribly written and are not fully applicable to what the students are actually learning. Then tying teacher performance reviews to these poorly constructed tests hurts the teachers. The teachers not wanting to look bad teach to the test which teaches nothing in the end. It is a horrible cycle that we still have the power to stop.
I cant believe it has taken this long…Thanks Obama…
Without getting too OT…this.
There you go
CNBC Now @CNBCnow 2m2 minutes ago
BREAKING: NY state wage board recommends raising fast food worker pay to $15/hour in NYC by 2018 and entire state by 2021.