NYSI second opinion

BJ’s are dangerous, I do agree with you. I wrenched on cars during the days of Ford LTD’s comming apart. And have seen others come apart.
Since the days of the wear indicator balljoints (GM) left, i have never seen a gm BJ spec. And I’ve looked. I would be extremely interested if you can find one. I have agrued the balljoint thing with my superiors in albany. I was told there is no spec, I said sure there is (as i recall a moog chart hanging on a wall) so i looked. and damnit i couldnt find one.
Theres other nuts things missing from inspection. A car doesnt need a seat to pass an inspection. needs a seat belt but no seat. I had a car in my shop years ago that the front mounting for the seat was broken, said to myself this has to be rejectable. Call DMV and looked in the book-Nothing. I even recall someone at dmv saying it can have a milk crate as long as the seat belt is there. Heres another- rear wheel bearings are not part. why??
I’m realistic i dont agree with everything in the program. Matter of fact i think we should do away with the VIP system and use IM240 if clean air is the goal.
If you can find a spec i really would be interested.