NYSpeed 1-day online Bass fishing tournament???????????

Was bouncing this idea around and figured I’d post it up to see if anyone was interested. Me, Choda, turbociv and Mindless have been hitting up some local ponds and catching lots of fish, well, I mean, I’ve been catching lots of fish and those clowns get one here and there.

Anyway, maybe we could do a 1-day tournament or something. Fish wherever you want. Catch and release, snap a pic of the Bass with a ruler or a scale and a comment showing that the pic is recent. Include yourself in the pic too. Tell location and lure you used. No snags allowed (so Choda will have to find another method), and you’ll have to be on your honor.

I figure we could pick a weekend day like a Sunday?

Anyone interested?

I thought Choda only cheated at the track?

If I’m in town, I’m in.

I will bring my son, if it is ok.

Also, I will catch the biggest bass with my sons transformer pole :slight_smile:

Why don’t we pick a location and just all go there and who ever pulls out the biggest fish wins. $5 or $10 buy in and split out the pot like a poker game. I would be in only because the sexy man who posted before me is in.

I thought about that but the one pond we go to would have us all standing on top of one another.

Sigh… Florida bass are so much smaller…

I need to get out and do some fishing soon

It’d have to be at one place and the lunker lake would work fine. I pulled a 15 lb snapper out last night. Lol

Joelster hooks onto HUGE fish all the time and when he pulls em out they are like 10 inch babies. I don’t bother w Sunnys and crappies.

Highlighted for the truth! You can’t catch Sunny’s and Crappies because they are quick to evade your snagging treble hooks!

Sorry I couldn’t make it last time Choda asked, but let me know when you guys go again! I have a lunker lake by me too, but it is hard to get to now. You will get your truck muddy.

I’m in, I have some local back woods ponds I fish in and catch some nice bass.

Besides, it gives me a reason to go fishing all day.

ill pick up Joelster then, his 2wd s10 wont make it.

Lets pick a sunday and make it happen.

Replace every instance of “fish” with “dick”.




I knew there was a joke in there somewhere

Oof. Makes the 15 pound snapper just gross.

Im in

Can we make this thread for men only?

PM me the spot(s), Im in.

I can fish