NYSpeed community project?

I only mentioned it as a joke because someone mentioned EA as a joke.
FYI Emery park used to be quite active until it fell into ruins.

somthing like the zoo we can do work at the zoo… or that small park around it

lol A Zoo would kick ass. I was thinking more of a run down park mid city somewhere that desperately needs painting/landscaping/something to do

I thought Buffalo had the great Homestead park system or what ever?
Do they have run down parks?

the Zoo would be cool with me

AWD, yeah… tons of them, just not in an area white people would feel very comfortable hanging out lol

lackamoney needs shit like that REAL bad

I honestly don’t have a clue. Im pretty sure I’ve seen a few that are in poor condition, but then again I could be wrong its not something I’ve really paid attention to.

It would be a great photo op for the mayer like when he was shoveling asphault while dressed in his monkey suit.

racist… will he then pick some bugs out of his assistants hair too? lol

lol… i think the zoo …it would be real cool i know they do a overnight clean up crew that is just volunteer…and i would def be down for this .i will call and get info if needed for this. the city its trying to push this 150k grant they just got to clean up the parks so im sure they wont let us tuch them

EDIT: Let us know what they say if you call

I wonder if they’ll even let us help with the zoo due to liability reasons

I meant “business suit” not an actual monkey suit.:biglaugh::awdrifter:
Great now we can’t even say monkey suit!?!

I had a friend that worked at the zoo at night, I guess that’s when it comes to life.:eekdance:

i wont be on till monday so if anyone wants to jump on this b4 then go nuts if not i will make a few calls and report in

sounds good

perhaps some mods would want to get in on this… since it’s for NYSPEED and all

just saying :smiley:

Hey im down with whatever. As long as it isnt a gay ass tread depth thingy.

Yah, maybe they could at least clean the thread of all the tire bullshit and get to the point of the thread that has value…

Fuck you. Pay me.

lol please ur on here more than anyone…im surprised praxair hasn’t blocked nyspeed yet. lol

I say we fix up jams accord for the hell of it.

I say we rape your fiancee.

I will be calling at 1ish to find out if they could do something with 20-50 people for something… can we get a # on how many people will do this

  1. justa4door
  2. 4doorbabe

or if someone wants to do something else… like i said i dont care but i will make calls if i need to…