NYSpeed community project?

I’m sure there is. Like I said . tire wear is last on the list lol… I don’t have a practical purpose for that right now…

We kind of had to throw practicality out the window to even conceive a treadwear monitoring system.



OMG! Thats perfect.

put a penny on the tire and a rotation sensor on the penny count the revolutions of the penny and get a distance around the tire… take that number multiply it by Avogadro’s number then add 15 This will give us our Xp (coefficient of penny rotation)

then we take what we started with circumference multiply that by half avagadros number and add 12… this gives us Xi

and then use the following formula (summation symbol from n=1 to n=32124) (Xi - 12 *2) / (Xp-15) / 32124

And what is the point of a community project?

we could do on in EA just for you

You stole afrank’s racism detection software and modified it for socialism didn’t you???


helping someone out and feeling good about it? Give Nyspeed some positive recognition in the area, opposed to negative. Giving back to the community?


Ok That’s what I thought but then people started talking about some fucking useless tire wear thingy.

yeah, the gas crisis must be effecting Ritalin transports


so yeah, anyone interested give us some feedback and well get something setup.

a few years ago I tried setting up a cruise for roswell on WNYMustangs. long story sort, we’d get a bunch of people and meet in the north towns… cruise from there all the way to dunkirk… eat some lunch, then cruise back.

Each of our “sponsors” would pay us by the mile (as many sponsors as you could get… have them provide decals and such to put on the cars) and the money would be donated to roswell park for cancer research

we got to clean DEM street and parks


I don’t think the county union lawn mowers want us stealing their work but, Emery Park looks like a run down ghost town.:uhh:
I grew up in that park.:cry:

where is emery park?

In EA, at the end of Rt 400, turn right.

I honestly don’t think the county would let any “outside” workers in there.:biglaugh:

i don’t see the point in emery park… something in the city where people will actually use it. To get them away from mischievous activities

on emery rd… duh