NYSpeed / OSYN Track Days 2008 [Next Day: Sept 13th] *NEW: Track Timing System!*

The guy asks me where I was goin and y so u told him and he asks what car are u racing with so I tell him this one and he says y are you racing on 17’s? I told him cause its what the car came with. I don’t know y it matters anyway but then he asks me well how often do u race and I said not to often just when I can. He gives a smart remark saying yea I can see that…wtf?? So I’m like ok can I go but the he says to me that isn’t a miata an odd car to be racing??..now I’m thinkin that he’s a complete moron since he knows nothing and I was gettin irritated…if I didn’t really want to get into the country I would have said well isn’t a horse kind of odd to be using as a police car?? But I know I would be escorted out or something… He finally let me go thank god, he was an ass