NYSpeed Time-Attack @ Dunnville

Nice :tup:

More info to be posted tomorrow. Rick and myself are still sorting a few things out.

count me out. i won’t be able to make it. :cry:

Bump I need to know if this will happen before I put the Taurus back on the road for the month. I have a lot of work that needs to be done before it sees a track, and the more time the better.

Add me to the list, I have autocross experience. How long does it take to get there from UB??


joe, we will prob meet at Mighty and cruise up together like last time…its a little over an hour if i remember correctly.

o and do you still need me (and my tools/garage) to help you with your car?


Im not sure yet, ill let you know

Thank you

me too, i’m not a big fan of the idea of a Time Attack though, nobody here is good enough they can’t do w/ general experience or learning, why fuck around with “time attacks” - to prove who’s dick (or wallet) is bigger (smaller)?

Well for the guys who want to improve, this is a good way to do it. Say you go out and run a faster time than me - Well there must be a reason; either my line sucks, I brake to soon, etc. Now I can talk to you and see what I might be doing wrong or different. And with actual times, I can see where I am improving and what works / what doesn’t work.

The track days are fun, but since we didn’t have the transponders it was anyone’s guess as to what laps were faster. And since the track days have mostly new people, the more experienced guys don’t have the chance to push their cars as much as they would like.

do we have a date for this… this man needs to take off so lets make a decision!

Later tonight I promise. :tup:

you improve by racing YOURSELF not each other. nothing you say will convince me otherwise, so i’ll just STFU and offer to come photograph and drink beer / eat shishkabobs.

I’ll probably roll up to spectate, since the politics in this are all to confusing for me to reason with competing.

After further consideration, we’ve decided to call off the time attack as far as this year is concerned. With the time (trackwise) and equipment constraints we are working with, it will be difficult at best to pull everything off smoothly.

This will also conclude our NYSpeed track events for the year. Thanks to all those who participated, and made our past events a success. :tup:

Next year we will be planning many more trackdays then we ran this year. We may visit this idea again in the future, but for now we’re going to concentrate just on getting people exposed to the track (non-timed, lapping days).