NYSpeed will love this v.cubancrisis ***PICS***


“What did I get banned for??”


Fun bumps today. :slight_smile:

rofl zwarbyt… u rock



so… he never paid back chino?

wasn’t it only interest that he owed him?

hdsfh ak s dnfklah sdkljfhajklshdflkjalkweyroahsdf



intrest and he promised to let him fly around niagara falls with him


Chino used the money he got from Cuban to turbo his mr2 when he had it at the time. instead of paying off the computer from dell. t

On the plane he designed to take off from a treadmill while working at Boeing.


SupaRman is…



Matt, did you set up a support group?

idk man… who came up with the interest? I mean, seriously, he got paid the original amount, he’s not a bank, why should chino be able to make up terms of interest.

Personally, i think that the kid’s an asshat, but as rust-e he was behaving himself, etc.
I dunno, i guess i believe people deserve second chances.

nope he doesnt, hes a faggot

anyone who cant pay thier bills ontime, then slow-pays deserves to shell out any intrest

He was rust-e?

I didn’t know that.


again, cuban paid the full amount of what the computer was worth. Chino was trying to sucker him in for the intrested becuase he used th emoney for his mr2 swap instead of paying off his debt with dell. if you ask me its not cubans fault but chinos

and i have razor burn and it hurts.

OK, aside from fucking over a guy who was nice enough to let him buy a pc on payments how about this:

He then sold shit online and never paid him back
He thinks he’s super man
He lies about being a model
He pretends to be an engineer for boing
Then he tells all the mods to suck dick etc when we catch him…

he deserves perma ban 4l