my rant !!!! please read

samson has a point. just as an example a few snow storms ago. i went to a friends house (RR32GTRR). me being the broke ass that i was, was running my familys van near empty before i even try to put in little gas. so while me and him were on our way to walmart to look at snow blowers for his driveway. i ran out of gas and get stuck at a really bad spot. too far to work to any gas station and too far from his house to walk back. not to mention none of us had phones with us because we didnt think we’d be out too long. so we kept trying to figure out what to do. finally after 20 minutes we decide to approach this guy shoveling his driveway to see if he can helps us out. without even flinching he says “sure, just let me finish this quickly and i’ll grab the keys to my car.”. needless to say i was speechless. as a good gesture my friend offered to finish shoveling his driveway while we go grab gas at the nearest station.

while on our way there we start talking and i keep saying thank you so much. he replies by saying its nothing i wouldnt have done for anyone else. i find out im the 5th person he helped out that day. one of them even got his mercedes stuck in parking lot and he helped that stranger get his car out of the snow. the guy even offered him $100 as thanks for helping him but he politely declined. so after getting gas and filling up the van with enough gas to get out of there. we go to walmart. on our way back we saw this dad and his teenage son trying to get their car in there driveway. but they got stuck and were blocking the road partially. lots of cars passed by then when we passed we just decided to turn around and help the person. seeing as how a good samaritan helped us out earlier. needless to say with our help it took less than 5 minutes to get the car unstuck and on their driveway. if that good samaritan didnt help us. chances are we wouldnt have stopped to help that dad get his car unstuck. it just goes to show that you never know when you’re gonna need help and when something as simple as helping someone out might have a bigger ripple effect than you imagined. if we all try to pass on the favor to someone else the world would be a better place.

as far as martino’s situation. i can somewhat relate to him. im currently drowning in debt, jobless, and struggling daily. however in his position i wouldn’t have sold the motor right away. i would’ve talked to farmer first and talk to him about selling it for him and most likely giving him money for the motor. but if anything martino is doing it for his studies. its not like hes using the money for drugs, alcohol or anything else. martino is man enough to actually step up and do the right thing by talking to farmer about it. everyone does desperate things when backed up against a wall. but it shows a lot about his character that he’s willing to fix the situation with farmer.

as for people stealing thats a whole different situation. stealing is stealing regardless of what the reason was.