NYSpeed will love this v.cubancrisis ***PICS***

newman - champion defender of the douches…

someone get chino on here to tell the full story, from what i know it took cuban forever to get close to paying the full amount, which then gathers intrest

its life kiddies

If thinking that you’re superman is means for banning then I don’t know what this board has come to…

I think A&F requires you to keep your neck rolls to 1 line or less.

His neck looks like an extendable straw.

i can honestly say that i have never once defended you.

oooooo bbbbuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnn

Exactly, that’s why you are champion of the douches… Duh…

Isn’t there a girl scout meeting letting out now somewhere?


newman and cuban are best friends for life

They are statutory-rapist buddies. :tup:


not to be a dick, but newman, this is the same situation I have with tom. He only owes me interest, and refuses to pay me. Chino should be just as pissed as I am.

Ugh I want to post some seriously mean shit right now. Must…Bite…Lip…

How about getting us the RallyNY photos after 2 years?

Why should anyone be pissed? Documentation talks, bullshit walks. Unless you have a written and signed document stating the terms with interest, you don’t have a leg to stand on.


Can we have JUST ONE THREAD where we can air our dirty laundry? Where I can post “Fuck XXX, Fuck XXX, Fuck XXX, and XXX is a total and useless piece of shit?”

Why dont you take tom’s dick out of your mouth, and read what I posted. Im sure its archived somewhere… Im not going to go into the details, but I have every single reason in the world to be pissed after the way he treated me.

Excuse me? Check yourself, and take your own advise.

i <3 winter time on car forums. it makes work go by so much faster.


I guess myself and the 1301209438120938x other people who agree with me are all wrong.

Fact remains, this cuban character is a total lowlife. As is anyone else in his situation

Yeah, whatever is right.

Your situation and Chino’s are night and day.

whoa, this thread again wtf

In response to newman, he has not paid the original amount at all, he has paid 650, the price was 900. He agreed to paying interest but it is still not even to that point yet.

I’d be more than happy with actually getting what is owed to me.

edit: also the reason for interest was I was carrying over what >I< was being charged interest waiting for his ass to pay up.