NYSpeed @ Winged Warrior Performance Challenge - May 11th, 12th 2007

lol, you don’t know him. He’s got an orange Elise.

The Guy that posted in the WW NYSpeed thread?

Ok, I’m lost…

I don’t see how there’s much of a decision to be made. This board as a whole is performance oriented so why wouldn’t people prefer a car show that also has racing whether they’re competing or not?

newman buddy…driving a lotus and an STi with a roll cage, but not racing, is for losers. :smiley:

Top of page 3…

Ahh, got it. Cool. 3 Lotus cars in one group would be pretty sweet.

how do you register for just the show part? the registration form on the site seems like its for entering to race

He doesn’t know if he can meet up with us for the cruise down yet, but we talked about the plans.

'cmon man, read the first post. All the info is there :slight_smile:

well I signed on to the web page… I’m thinking Ill go. if the evo holds together… not sure if im going to race, or show its really not anyhting special…

i signed up for the competition. I hope they don’t pair up my car against something slow like a stock taurus.

I hope they DO, so you can CRUSH THEM

i have to plan my vacations very carefully…i need all my money for my honeymoon this year…I am afraid I will prolly not attend this show…but do NYSPEED proud as show cars as well as performers on the track

i’m in. i’ll reg for show once its up.

whats gonna happen if ssr shows up, its gonna be just like race wars in the desert + charity yo

Don’t forget to post in the forums under parking lot, and then the thread for NYspeed. I want to see this thing run. :slight_smile:

what parkinglot… and why arn’t the directions on the first page! i’m not reading 7 pages of BS. ON SECOND THOUGHT IT PROBABLY IS ON THE FIRST PAGE I JUST CAN’T READ.

They are on the first page. :stuck_out_tongue:


can I get my name in red please? i signed up on their site. now I guess we just wait to be selected?

ya… I vouched for your mad skillZ.

you drive as crazy as me. (according to some thats not good).