This is what happens when you have a president who is from Chicago and supported Chicago’s complete handgun ban. When the DC handgun ban was in the news he also supported it.
I’m sorry, but your past actions speak far louder than your campaign words.
Kinda like how there was a crazed man that entered an AA meeting and tried to rob the place at gunpoint and a citizen in the room with a right to carry permit pulls out his firearm and shoots the man dead, saving the lives of everyone in there. Yup…people shouldn’t have guns.
Tim McVeigh (sp?) blew up the Oklahoma Fed building with a rental truck and fertilizer. They were all obtained legally, should we ban renting trucks and fertilizer?
This isn’t a thread about why guns should be banned because there should not be an outright ban on firearms period.
But can someone please explain to me how the President is going ban all firearms when the Supreme Court said it can’t be done. All the republicans and MOST democrats would be against such an act?
I don’t care what Chicago and DC or NYC say about handgun ownership their situations are very different from the rest of the country.
Again, all of those wearing Tinfoil hats please tell me how the president is going to take your guns when 2/3’s of the gov’t branches would never go for it AND OBAMA NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT TAKING OUR GUNS!?!
Anyone that goes out and buys guns simply because hey are afraid the president is going to one day come to your house and take them are the exact people that should not be owning guns.
i think people are more afraid of stupid and unnecesary restrictions that will make our lives a pain in the ass. Obama is not dumb enough to ban ALL guns but he is dumb enough to try and put bullshit restrictions on them. We have the right to bear arms against all enemies, foreign and domestic so that when the government tries to oppress the people, the people can do something about it. That is how we became The USA… ask the British, they are still pissed a bunch of farmers kicked their ass.
If he did try to ban all guns the gun owners would give him all of their bullets first anyway…
I still don’t see any major gun restriction legislation being passed. Even the ill conceived ‘assault weapons ban’ is not receiving good publicity from either side of the isle.
Yet I guarantee that if we have more and more major shootings by dimwits like the one from Binghamton then you might see the general public side their opinion on greater gun restrictions.
There is a chance that these gun-nuts might bring about this type of legislation on themselves.
No but he can with the help of congress, prevent us from buying new ones that we want. We lived through the last AWB, and we want to make sure that if this bullshit is ever brought back, that we have the guns we want.
I can’t fuckin wait till they start to regulate the things you like. I think 30hp max on cars is a good start. Then crush anything older than 5 years old, cause its probably pumping out deadly emmisions.