Obama: Car related

Then I say take it one step further. If you buy or own a vehicle that is rated less than the new CAFE standard, impose a yearly fee on that vehicle, kind of like a recurring gas guzzler tax. I don’t know, something like $100 for every mpg under the standard. That would encourage people to not only buy more effiecient vehicles, but to get rid of the ones they have. What’s the rating on your Vette?

Or as an option, you can work off your fee by riding a bicycle attached to a big generator that dumps electricity to the power grid. That would help with the national obesity prolem too. If we go to electric cars, California is going to need it. Can you imagine the brownouts with all the cars plugged in? Maybe we could wipe out Beverly Hills and have Westinghouse build several nuclear plants. Now there’s a stimulus package the engineers would like.

I wonder if this is a hybrid. :smiley: