Obama is Anti-Christian?

Apparently becuase he denied a fly by over a Christain festival.

How does everyone feel about using tax payer dollars for these flybys? I would assume it runs close to a million for 4 jets to do this.

I personally agree with him. Its a religious festival, not a public event. Shouldn’t be using tax payer dollars but I am sure they rake in enough money in donations for the churches to pay their own.

I think it’s kind of screwed up that it wasn’t allowed if they’ve been OK with doing it for 42 years. Yea it isn’t cheap to do a fly over, but it’s training for those pilots and everyone else involved with the flight (flight control, fuel handlers, mechanics, ect ect)
The military fly’s their their birds either way, why not rip over where thousands of people will be for a second.

AND having 70 people swear in to the military at the event gives me reason enough to allow it

It’s no different than flyovers at sporting events really

I hope our next president is Jewish, so the Christian’s have more to bitch and moan about.

this just in: Dawn is Anti-Christian?

I hope our next president is a dog, I really want more animal rights.

I hope it’s a unicorn!

LOL at this thread.

With Obama as President, I am surprised they don’t fly over and drop bombs.


They had their tin foil hats on and he could not detect them. :tinfoilhat:

Fixed :smiley:

:rimshot: LOL

Sporting event tho is a public forum watching an event. This is a religion based event.

So you are a fan of Jesus instead of T.O. lol

T.O. > Jesus

good for obama… I don’t want my tax dollars promoting religious events.

I don’t want my tax dollars paying for flyovers at sporting events either. I don’t want my tax dollars paying poor people not to work. I don’t want my tax dollars paying other people’s health care.

Religion = entertainment
Sports = entertainment

What is the difference?

Obama had nothing to do with the decision. The Air Force decided against it.

Kinda crappy that they’ve been doing it for 42 years… but I agree, there’s really no reason to be spending money on things like this.

If that is the case who is the one to decide what we “should” and what we “shouldn’t” spend our collective money on?

I mean seriously what gives you the right?