Obama is hurr

jclark and i rarely agree on anything…

so youre agreeing that im retarded or that you are misinformed and ignorant?

im saying that i dont know what u know about politics and that jclark and i disagree on everything

Yourself and the rest of the psychologically stable portion of the human race rarely agree on anything.


ohhhh i read your response quick and thought the “…” because of the irony that you and jclark actually agree on something, nevermind

It’s not a matter of agreement, it’s that you simply don’t understand what you’re talking about.

Well…him stating you are misinformed and ignorant isn’t exactly disagreeing. More like stating “you don’t have a clue what you are talking about.”

Which I would love to also state, but I don’t follow politics (at least not on the national level. I am ticked that Byron Brown is about extend his stay as Buffalo’s Mayor another 4 years though), so I can’t back up anything I say about them.

EDIT: He beat me to it :rofl

i fully comprehend everything i wrote. are u a democrat? did u vote for obama? if so… enough said

I’m not a Democrat and no I didn’t vote for Obama. I dont have a problem with your politics because it’s not my place to censor anyone’s views. I do, however, have a problem with you wishing the death of the President of the United States whether I voted for him or not.

we need entirely new govt officials… ill take em anyway i can get em.

I love how easy it is to tell who is educated/informed on this site and who has no clue about what is going on around them.

we are the same person

fucking weird

Nothing wrong with that.

Just don’t try to touch me below the waist. :shifty

your a fuckin idiot, i dont care how much you think someone is retarted you have no right to say youd like em dead. I hate obama dont get me wrong but i would never ever say id like him dead


Typical white trash response from Travis.

it was gay todayy i work in the daycare at hvcc and he was going in the auto building he drove the 2 limos and the suv right into the garage and they did the speech right in there and then left gayyy

Yeah, the President of our country was at our school today. How gay…

the kids were all chanting obama obama it was funny they flipped out when he pulled in we had the perfect view


You have to remember the average IQ of your typical HVCC student isn’t very high. Most of them probably didn’t even know what they were cheering for.

lol their 4yrs old