I would love to see reports on that proof. All i know is what I see myself.
I understand what your saying, and can see it that way too. You cant please everyone, and I see the “expectation” for the bonus. BUT the root of a bonus is the pat on the back for doing your job well enough to out to expecationsion from the owners, who aparantly are nice enough to dig into their now swolen pockets (from your hard work) and give some back to you.
Therefor if no bonus will be offered, damn well better show good proof and figures supporting the inability to provide the bonus… NOT brag about the better than projected profits like they did at the party!
People were let go here, that were just hired on under PEF when that went down. Some went from steady many years of empolyment under a contractor for the state, to “yehhhhaaaa I am now a state worker! woot!!!” to, unemployment line.
Or better yet work for a union for 30 years, then get sued by them to give up your pention becasue the retirement choice you made was to open your own small business, totally unrelated to what your union job was, becasue they found a far fetched way to call it “competition”. Just to weasle out of a pention.
Bottom line is if you work for someone, your ass is allways on the line one way or another.