obd0-obd1 throttle body swap problem

Ok, I have a 90 integra with a b18a1 in it and I have a throttle body from an obd1 ba18b1. A wooping 2mm difference between them but what the hell, can’t hurt. I have the stock tps on both since the rivets are still there. I have 2 maps for the obd1. All sensors test ok with voltmeter. You have to take the FITV valve or cold start idle valve whatever you wanna call it off of the obd1 since the obd0 has it on the intake mani and not the bottom of the throttle body like the obd1 or else they will hit and you won’t get it on. I blocked off my obd0 fitv with a metal gasket like 2 years ago anyways due to the gay idle surge. Took the one off the obd1 and filled in the holes with epoxy. Made sure the throttle stop screw was not holding the throttle blade open. Put it on the car with the extended map sensor wires and it idles at like 2200 rpm. Put my finger over both of the ports in the inlet of the tb and it doesn’t lower it at all. WTF. It has to be leaking in air from somewhere but obviously the epoxy isn’t the source since when the holes are covered nothing changes. Im totally lost. Put the obd0 right back on and it runs fine. Anyone have an extra obd1 60mm ls or b16 or whatever throttle body for me to try?

You either need to recalibrate the TPS, or you still have a small leak somewhere. DO you have the coolant blocked off from the IM completely, or just the FITV/IACV ports shut?

The tps is within spec, between .5v and 4.5v or whatever and the map is at the 3v so both are good, plus no check engine light. coolant is blocked off from fitv but not the iavc. Must be a leak on the port that goes from the bottom(fitv) to behind the throttle blade. So simple, but its being retarded.