i don’t recall stating that…
but i’m sure it’s a close competitor to said butt holes as far as disease, disgust and the transaction of viruses are concerned.
i don’t recall stating that…
but i’m sure it’s a close competitor to said butt holes as far as disease, disgust and the transaction of viruses are concerned.
that’s actually pretty challenging and requires much balance. you must be quite the athlete lol
Ehhh fecal matter has the ecoli virus in it
Yea I can cross country so I got some strong legs
Sean can poop two different colors, he’s a real champ.
so does drinking water in many instances. you guys are so quick to scapegoat poop for all of you misunderstandings.
you steered the convo into faces and then mentioned something about girls vomitting… you made the connection, I’m just commenting on it
I wouldn’t go anywhere near my gf if she just puked, fyi
Yea if some one pukes they are on their own
why? you would have before it all got digested? Whys it different now, because vomit isn’t pretty?
think about how all the ugly people are going to interpret that…
Ugly people can eat shit
hahaha off of an HVCC toilet! WITHOUT proper sterile strips of toilet paper perfectly aligned to 100% eliminate any chance of any germs.
Now we are on the same page
yes, the only reason people don’t like vomit is cause it’s unattractive :retardclap
now your just being a big idiot on purpose, I think. If this is all unintentional then I feel sorry for you.
this is no joke and im being as seri as a heart attack here, i use paper towels on the knobs at work and when in other places i dont touch them, open doors with my foot or elbow as much as i can. no joke
I dont want to touch other peoples shit. You know not every one washes their hands after they poop
ahhh this def ghey guy at my work doesnt wash his hands after anything and it totally skeeves me out!!! rumor is he is dateing a 15 y/o philipino boy.
lol so you have no answer…
oh and don’t ever call me a “big idiot”…:rofl
honestly bro, can you cover 100% of the toilet seat and assure yourself that no flesh is touching it? i just don’t see the point if you cant. OP’s diagram obviously has gaps in between. What happens when your wang scraps the inner workings of the bowl at times? would you wear a condom?
lol i know this is a bs argument, but come on this thread is about POOP!
what scars me most is the toilet handle, cause no one washes in between the touch and the flush.
when in mass public places or questionable environments, Ill flush with my foot.
Ha I flush with my foot also