observations about pewping

i just contradicted myself, yes.

my MS paint pic is a rough estimation of the TP i use on the terlet. i layer that shit right the fuck up.

not only that but i hold my cock so there is no cock to terlet touching. talk about a handfull.

well shit, who doesnt?

Yea I would not let my peepee touch the bowl

I assume you like vomit since all it is just mashed up food, right? There is nothing unhealthy about being around it in any way, right?

:rofl dude your fucking killing me over here…

every try the hover method? a quick pinch and a clean break and you reduce your defecation time in like, half…

i’m a lightweight tho so that’s probably easier for me than most.

i have so much fucking work to do but this serious poop talk is immensely distracting. im learning important strategies nonetheless.

i was just asking what?

when u shit 3x a day, i never make a “clean break”

this brings me to another pewpy thing which me and my buddies coined. its called “HENERYS”

i will explain with an MSPAINT in a lil bit

anxiously awaiting…

I have no shame, if there is no bodily fluids or fecal matter on a toilet seat my ass is game for sitting.

If I have some lysol I use it though.

public bathrooms i hover over the toliet and use my foot to flush the toiliet

if youve ever seen the bathrooms on an Aircraft Carrier, youd know, itll take a serious restroom to phase me… if i have to use it and its that bad, i will do the helicopter dump and hover above the toilet and let her drop.

don’t you risk butt splashage when you do that method?

If anything you’d splash your legs or the back of your pants, fucking think about it idiot.

hover is last ditch method. often times ill take paper towels and some soap and wipe down the pewping platform, then just sit down normal.

i want to upper deck a place someday

put some wads of TP in the terlet b4 hover drop and ur all set.

dont hate cause your too fat to hover

I have legs like a caged Lion, way stronger than that of a Wild Lion, idiot.

pics or you’re an idiot


raawwrr idiot.