And a huge foam you’re #1 NYSEG foam hand. :tup:

roffle… can’t imagine the parents walking in and seeing that one… :lol: +1 for your enthusiasm tho

What parents I live on my own. Part of the reason why I’m so bored. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m fucking pumped!

[size=2]This is so intense. :slight_smile:

jsut got locked out with in just my boxers lol… good thing my window was unlocked and the roommates didn;t know about it


Wtf, all the lights and everything lost power on my street. But I still have power. Now I’m confused.

lol your pumped remember… you got some juice to last a bit…

Buffalo is all over national news for being pretty much a disaster area.

I am in Charlotte and the local stations here are saying 155,000 people without power.

Some of the cable news stations are trying to get reports and video from Buffalo news stations, but the TV director is snowed in and get the station powered up…

Sounds like I am missing a lot of fun.

I’ve been lucky on Grand Island so far. I only lost power for half an hour last night. Heat is cranked, branches everywhere. GTO is buried in the driveway.

Its crazy here in the city, I cant believe I have power and internet still. My block on Norwood is one of the few I could see around that had power. The news just said 250,000 ppl dont have power, and that its not expected to all be back on until monday at noon

Trees are blocking both ends of my street, and there are cars just snowed in on the road that got stuck. The snow in my front yard was up to my knees.

Definitely not going to have to go to work today, glad I bought beer last night :tspry:

Actually my boss just called me, he has been stuck on the 90 near the 190 for 6 hours.

Took these at about 630am this morn:





I can just see all of the the rant threads about NYSPEED cars that were hit by trees…


Soooooooooooooooo close to a day off from work for me. Power went out shortly after I went to sleep, but it’s back on. Clear skies in EA/Colden. Haha

So we got probably 1 1/2 feet of snow and the roads haven’t been plowed yet.

I was wondering if I had work or not today. Just called public safety.

UB is closed


Canisius cancelled classes, ITS A FUCKING MIRACLE.

about 90% of the cars parked on my street have branches on them at a minimum, there are a bunch that have had huge branches/whole trees fall on them.

thank god for off street parking with no trees behind the house :tup:

oh, and having first beer of the day right now. way better than getting ready for work

lol, i shoulda just stayed over and drank beerce.

I am hoping I don’t have work…

i doubt any places that arent emergency related would be open if they are in the city or northtowns.

Who wants to run me ? Right now. Callout to everyone! lol