I have the snow tires still on my winter car, the drive was fun, getting the snow of the wings of my plane, not so fun.

you wouldn’t by chance be DYING to get people to notice that you have a plane would you?


anyways. i take it that few people posting still have power?

has anybody tried driving on the streets? did they plow anything yet, and how is the driving?

streets are shitty in the city, both of my offices have no power.

how bout u, nice and snowy in tampa…lol

I guess i got lucky. I still have power.

HAAHAHA… yes we also got covered by LOTS OF SNOW. and by lots of snow i mean it’s 80 and sunny :stuck_out_tongue:


Good job Captain Obvious!!! duh

I just got back from Tops, having a nice hot meal, thermostat set at 72 and watching TV. All good here…

oh shut it butch :slight_smile:


Kissing Bridge - Sunny blue skies with 0.0000" new snow.

It is a beautiful sunny day in Springville and the grass is green.

lol holy shit 72?

its october not feb…lol

I’ve seen it before and I believe it. :slight_smile:

we didnt get much out here in wheatfield, my girlfriend has literally no snow in newfane. i drove to niagara falls and back this morning with minimal difficulty. good thing i moved out of the city.

nothing on the ground this morning in fredonia…but i had plans to go to galleria… anyone know if they are closed? i think the thru-way is though :frowning:

i’m very upset.

edit: for good news… all my teachers that came from buffalo cancelled class :slight_smile: YES!

Luckily I have power, phone, cable, internet and everything at my house and at the shop. I saw several businesses open on the way here actually.

I was just watching TV and it looks like this is going to take several days to clean up.
Channel 7 said some people will be without power until at least Monday!

This is crazy…

i was having a blast on the way to work this morning, i would LOVE to be going all out in B-lo… but…

some friends of mine are stuck on the I-90 just on the onther side of Grand Island, about 20 minutes from their home… they left at 3:30am this morning… dead stop for hours…

thats incredible… i wanna know what the death toll ends up being.

when people start rioting and shooting police you will see me sliding the shit out of my beater S13 trying to back-end the gunmen in my patriotic anti-terror-mobile.

does anyone wanna drive to NU somehow or use their private airplane to come get me??.. im missing all the fun :frowning:

what the fuck did you just say?

I think we’re the only ones in the city that still have power at canisius…we have satellite too, we’re gonna charge $5 admission tonight if the cables still out.