More pics of my house










Xander where do you live? Buffalo?

fuzzy!!! who won! im curious…

yeah id post pics but unfortunatly in the falls we have no snow… all we have is hurricane force winds… :gotme: we got lucky i guess


Holy shit…thats a street?

wow :owned:

I live in the village of Williamsville, between Sheridan and Main street (off Mill)

yeah, that is the side street. There are so many branches down, the plows can’t get through, but without the plows, the town won’t clean the branches :frowning: I’ve been up since 6am trying to dig the trees out of the street, so they can put the power line back up that is on my driveway now. Without that line gone, I can’t get out :lol:

Whatever, I got some power, and cable, all I need to do is hike to Wegmans for another case of Coors Light and I’ll be fine till monday. :slight_smile:


lol if you need a ride let me know i come getcha for a beer :tup: im NOT sitting around today i wanna do shit other then sit inside for once.

What the fuck.

I’ve been up for the last 14 hours bailing out the sump pump.

We have no power, no phones.

I’m sitting at my office right now charging 3 cellphones.

There is a giant tree down directly in front of my house, blocking the entire width of the road.

This is not fucking fun.

That’s what it’s like here today! :slight_smile:

urgh screw buffalo…im headed to erie today to go to the mall instead…

the thru-way in fredonia is lined with semi’s… it’s purrtey crazzy…

I’d give a lot to be up there in my old audi with snow tires right now.

last night was the WORST snow driving experience of my life :frowning:

No you wouldn’t, the roads either have 2 feet of wet packed snow that’ll rip your bumper off with trees down all over the place or, if it’s a major road, it’s clear. All parking lots are blocked off, its a big fucking mess. I wouldn’t even want to drive my car around town right now.


Nutty shit. Lost cable completely, so I’m leaching someone’s working connection right now. Oddly enough didn’t lose power at all. Just a few blinks and that was it.

Hrm, ok, I wish I had my old Jeep and was up driving around in buffalo right now :slight_smile:

thanks a lot god, now I can’t pick up the bmw today :frowning:

i feel so pretentious saying anytime i say bmw

lol who rehosted the pics on OT?

this reminds me of 3 yrs. ago i think when we got hit bad and i had to spend the night at ECC north campus with about 30 other people, that sucked but i made ~$100 from people using my cellphone :tup:

Just took a ride on the bosses Ski-doo around the shop. Tup to Sleddin in OCT.

Wish i had one to go out with last nite. Skyway trail anyone? I guess theres people who spent the nite in their cars on the thruway last nite.

Is anyone listening to the radio. Theres some stupid ass people calling in.

Forgot my damn Firewire cable. have Wicked vid of the lightning snow last nite in OP/hamburg.