lol yeah Colorado is crazy for the snow but last year we didnt get much in denver but got a shit ton in the mountians. ski resorts always open around oct/nov and close around may or june.

but hell you guys got some crazy ass snow up there. when I moved up to syracuse in 93 i was in my first lake effect snow, and let me tell you all its crazy, i never seen snow like that before and I grew up in colorado.

I am feeling all your pain guys, where I at now its 80 degrees and sunny

^ I went to Vail last February and they already had 300+"!!!
While we were there it snowed 36"!!!
It was epic skiing!

I dunno about anyone else, but I’m already bored as hell being stuck in my apartment :frowning:

Supposed to work at 3:45, checked on it. And there is a dreaded voicemail stating to call back at 3:00. Not liking the sound of that.

least you get out of work! lol consider yourself lucky… today was my day off… nothing beats payday off lol

fuck… just made it in to work (to stay warm). Temp in my apartment when I left is 55* and not supposed to get power back until monday or tuesday (so they were saying). Looks like I’m staying here for a few days :frowning:

edit: tried making it into work this morning, only to find a power line and a huge tree blocking the road… I tried turning around and got stuck. Thank god for a guy driving by that saw me and gave me a ride back home

hmm my shoes were effin soaked from last night… i had no idea how bad they were till i went to put them on and socks = instantly drenched… thank god for sisters… cause their blow dryer came in handy… now work boots are nice and dry, warm and ready to work to get some food… and a new hair dryer…

make a snow fort in the backyard, if its sealed properly your body heat will make it quite warm in there

I don’t have a computer right now and img going insane… I am posting this trough my cell phone

the PD has been soooo crazy today so many people were not even able to make it in, but all the roads in and around are in pretty good condition

come use mine if you want dos… im bored.


the side streets are DISASTERS

Bring your computer. MiniLAN party FTW :tup:

aahaah im down… what you got? i got cs and far cry… few others…

EDIT i have a desktop tho

mall is closed today. no work for me wo ho

CS, CS:S, frycry, bf2, and a bunch of racing games. Don’t have too much installed at the moment but I have quite a bit.

Also have a PS2 hooked up to a DLP projector also. So if there were people interested in GT4 that would be sweet. Screw that pussy 60" shit. :lol:

I’m kind of lacking on the cat5 front though. And the internet connection that I’m leaching off of is weeeeeak as hell.

i have a 40 foot cat5 cable if needed! so yeah im game lol altho im a xbox player not a ps2 but i can learn

Not me, so I went to work… :wink: There were probably about 40 traffic lights along the route I took (having to avoid the 90 and 400) but only about 4 of them were actually working.

I wonder if I impressed anybody last night on Harlem Rd. with my perfect e-brake 180 that I pulled. Everybody else was using the same driveway to turn around, but where is the fun in that? :smiley:

I wonder if I impressed anybody last night on Harlem Rd. with my perfect e-brake 180 that I pulled. Everybody else was using the same driveway to turn around, but where is the fun in that? :smiley: