I was wondering if anyone would grab that

Dale beat me to it, but his power came back on Friday, so I was able to steal it from him.

couldn’t have said it better myself

wow. what a past few days. i posted up on saturday night about what went on so far, but sicne then, i spent the whole day sunday chainsawing and clearing out the HUGE maple tree that fell in my grandma’s yard, then went over to my friends house to help him bail out his basement. Yesterday morning (monday, i think?) i awoke to my cell phone rining and it was my mom telling me that she went to my grandm’as house and found here laying on the floor barely alive. needless to say, she died an hour later in the ER (my grandpa just died 6 weeks ago), so my family is kinda going crazy right now. she had a 12 week old puppy that we now have (bringing us up to 3 dogs now).

anyway, im going on day #6 without power (been out sicne ~4:30 Thursday evening). im actually starting to get used to all of this, and when i left to come to UB (which is where im at now) there were a ton of State Highway Dept and Town contraceted service truck on my street clearing out the trees, and the National Grid trucks are starting to roll in slowly but surely, so im feeling optimisitic that by tonight or tomoorw, i’ll have power back.

about the only good thing i can make out of this whole thing, is my grandma left her 2005 Chevy Impala (with 4500 miles on it) to me, so i have a really nice car to drive in the winter now, and thats one less thing i have to worry about buying. i think thats it for now, hopefully i’ll be talking to you guys real soon from my own computer.

^Wow, awful week. Sorry to hear Mike. God bless.

Sorry about the loss mike. Wish your family well for me, I know how much that hurts.

I heard Roswell is having a shortage of blood. I was thinking about donating tomorrow at around 12pm. Anybody that wants to come with me is more than welcome to.


Wow, sorry to hear man.

Damn, Mike, that really stinks. Sorry to hear :frowning:

What kind of condition was she in before the storm hit?

Is anyone else as annoyed about the stupid ass hyped up headline “Storm on Friday the 13th” thing. It aggravates the shit outta me. It happened on the 12th get it straight, it was thawing on the 13th.


did you miss the part about me being there? oh, that’s right. my car is out there too, kthx bye

shadup ya dirty hippy. go make a snow angel.

Doesn’t help for shit when you’ve got nothing to cook it with though. Electric (non-working) stove, and microwave. No place to put or use a gas grill.

all of my storm pictures are here…

Wow, crazy week sorry to hear about the loss.

Damn, you guys really got pounded.

Mike, sorry to hear about your Grandmother, that’s really tragic :frowning: Glad to see you’re looking on the positive of it, I suppose it’s fitting that at least someone who likely passed on because of the stress of the situation left you a car, alleviating some of your stress.

parents house, the dogs helped out:






puppy is no longer amused:

Cute dogs :slight_smile: