The local politicians have managed to turn this into a political circus.
Although not surprising it is disappointing.
The first thing FEMA asked Higgins was, “Is Buffalo in Erie County”?
It sounds like Giambra got to FEMA first and told them to help Erie County first.
The news coverage totally missed this and thought Higgins was pissed because FEMA didn’t know what county Buffalo was in.
The Mayor is pissed because FEMA didn’t contact him first.
Everyone is pissed at FEMA because of the lack of results so far.

Well, FEMA’s response to New Orleans was below satasfactory as well. FEMA has gone to shit in the last few years…

still no power at my house.

:wstupid: I’m guessing it’ll be the weekend before they clear out my neighbor’s backyard to get access to my block’s downed line.

no shit… that press conference pissed me off to no end. I’m sitting there thinking “there are hundreds of thousands of people in need, and that dousch uses it for political gain”… un-fing-believeible.

Higgans “FEMA should of been here on Thursday… there is no excuse for this blah blah blah”

yeah, becuase bufflo getting a snow storm requires FEMA to step in? :wtf: I’m supprised he didn’t mentoin that brown/giambra turning down HELP from the national guard :wink: fucking self-righteous see thru politicians for ya

i’m supprised he had time to actually address any real issues with all that self-patting on the back he was doing

ecc north still has no school. bah.


got my power back last night

Where abouts in Tonawanda are you, just trying to get an idea for a few people that live on the tonawanda/amherst border

my new place of employment still has no electricity…Northtown Lexus. The detail shop is running on generators, and its not easy. I was supposed to have started on Saturday, but now I won’t be able to try and start again til tomorrow. The past week I’ve literally been unemployed because of this storm.

I’m on the circle on Parkhurst. At noon the hwy department was cleaning up the circle with a couple of front bucket loader things and a couple of big trucks. So maybe over the next day or so nat’l grid will be able to follow and start hooking power back up in the town. :tup:

I got power back last night at 8:30 PM… So searously if anyone needs a place to crash do to having no power… Your more then welcome to crash at my pad…

still no power in town of tonawanda by ellicott creek…

supposingly my landlord says there is power back at my west seneca apt…

I’ve been staying at my gf’s moms house in lockport since friday night.

Can’t wait to get back to semi normal life.

I had to bring in my bills into work to pay them on the internet since its the only place that has power and net access.

that sucks man… where abouts? thats right near my apt.

me too. i was supposed to work friday and saturday, but clearly we were closed… then i went in today and my boss was kinda like 'uhh, well im not too sure whats going on now…we lost a lot of bussiness so i cant really afford to pay anyone to work this week. i might need you on saturday so i ‘ll give you a call if i do’

typical of my work…

o and thanks to those who offered thier sympathy, im sure i’ll get through it. i hope no1 thinks that i look at getting the car as a positive thing, because trust me, id rather not have it for that reason. thats about the ONLY positive thing i can get out of this whole thing right now.

o and im posting from UB again…still no power at home. tomorrow it will be ONE WEEK. im starting to get used to this.

i haven’t worked since last tuesday.
<3 delta sonic, i’m real glad i went back there.

Huge :tup:

Very well put.

just got my power back 30 min ago in lancaster.

Wooooooooo!!! Electricity!!!