ohh man im thinking of taking the sled out for a cpl wet rips around the yard :slight_smile:

yeah fucking trees throwing their branches at the EVO on the ride homeā€¦lucky I was able to dodge themā€¦

Probably that really fat fuck.

If your brakes failed then how did you slide? You only slide if your wheels are not rotating.

Deffinitelyā€¦ 8pm fuds on waldenā€¦

harlem is a mess. i went up and down it in first gear. tops was a mobscene.

Hey had a testā€¦ absolute bullshit weatherā€¦ 30 pack plus 6 sparks time for a nice caffeine drunk festā€¦ watch later for sloppy typing!!

and it starts now.!

Drove to work, un-eventful. Watched it snow even more downtown. Looked quite wild for a bit.

Uhg. We just lost power. :tdown:

well im going to to walden galleria tomorrow :frowning:

i hope it melts away.

we dont have snow in fredonia yetā€¦ as of right nowā€¦itā€™s cold enough for it though.

fuckā€¦iā€™m a good 20 minutes from home at work now, and canā€™t leave for another hour and a halfā€¦and have summer tires on the zā€¦itā€™s the only tires it ever seesā€¦

and double fuckā€¦

THE SALTERS ARE OUT ALREADY GOD DAMIT! i hate thisā€¦the season is already over for me this meansā€¦carā€™s never seen salt, and iā€™m not going to let itā€¦and thereā€™s no way weā€™re gonna get enough rain to get rid of all the salt before the salters need to come out againā€¦fuckinā€™ buffaloā€¦

its gonna rain tomorrow andy itll be gone lol

as im sitting here in the UBPD office with officers looking over my shoulder


we hope.

sucks for them the rensch light was outā€¦ for 2 hoursā€¦ and no one even showed upā€¦ talk about fucking chaosā€¦ i even called in and they told me it was taken care ofā€¦ lazy ass mother fuckers

hahaha and my friend michelle works there lol

[QUOTE=fairgentleman Z]Probably that really fat fuck.

and his name is lou not ā€œthat really fat fuckā€:roll2:

Fuck. Game Over, itā€™s a wrap.

yea word iā€™ve talked to him a few times when he has kicked me out of the basketball gamesā€¦ really really cool guyā€¦

thompson is the bestā€¦ ask him about his little bike accident by ellicotā€¦ right after he was trying to snag me with something and asking for every form of id ever

thank him for the most amazing laugh ever

michelle is in her own little office i dont see her alot

and that "fat fuck"s name is Lou

Havin a blast today with the prizm and e-braking like a motherfucker :tup:

ā€¦in the 5 minutes I was outside there was about 7-10 cracks of limbs coming down all over the neighborhoodā€¦

I have never seen this little snow have such a strong effect. Could it be because I am a dumbass?