yeah i’m not so much suprised by the snow, just the fact that it is sticking.


fuck, no port dover bike rally tommorow…

some fri the 13th.


ohh well next year its in july

Street Sign +1
Winter Beater +0

I actually had my brakes fail on me today, which sucked ass. I was doing about 7 miles an hour and slid literally 30ft and just skimmed a street sign on the way to my girlfriends house. looks like it’s going to be the last winter for the cutlass …

same thing my brother said when i talked to him 30 minutes ago.

just got home from work… i left early… sti needs to be painted again… front and rear bumper are completely toast and at least 2 doors.

WTF IS SNOW?! :smiley:

Don’t apologize. Thats funny! hahahaha

Not me… I JUST got my snow tires mounted, balanced, and on the car this morning. Too bad I need an alignment, that’ll have to happen tomorrow.

I also remembered to throw the snow brush in the car, and left the house wearing my winter coat, gloves and hat. I swear the temperature was 20 degrees colder when I left for work than it was this morning when I was getting the tires done.

This reminds me i need to go register my sleds. let it snow…let it snow…let it snowwww.

wow :lol: were u driving stupid or no?

Worn Azenis on the Legacy… Should be intresting…

+1. I still drove the DSM today, because there was no salt. If I see a salt truck, it’s storage time.

Not me, all-seasons went on the DSM 3 weeks ago. Probably won’t get summer tires until next year (and only if I intend to auto-x next season).

ha i’m down in that red section



Uh oh newman, what ahppened duder!? BTW made it home safe and sound but there was a little drama when i coulden’t stop on main street. Slid for a good 30 feet and i was barely moving. Stupid azinis.

wow. f’real? what happened?

i fuckin hate snow… at least this early


10 minutes ago in North Buffalo…

main street from andersons to youngs took me about ten minutes to turn at the light.

i try to keep some distance inbetween fellow drivers. not all are smart and paying attention.

newman… wtf. pics, i’m interested to see a fucked up sti