off roading with cheeks and jacked up

had a good time. they were a lil timid at the beginning but they loosened up later on and got pretty hard core.

here are a few pics and one of the sweet trucks we came upon in the woods. i have some video but i still have to reload my movie editor on my computer so that will be up maybe tomorrow if i get time.

Awesome time, guys. Can’t wait to see the rest of the pics.

flyinglow57, thanks for coming out and being trail guide, definitely good times. I think I still have mud in my ear, so it must have been good!

Those are definitely a quad/bike trails. All the people on quads and bikes out there were looking at us like we were nuts. And, that ol’ F150 was so beat but it went like a mofo. That guy had to have a locker or something, he scooted thru that uphill, sloppy rutted section really well for such a large truck.

I still can’t believe how slow I was able to take the main entrance up the hill. The lockers and gearing definitely made all the difference when trying to finess my way up that slope instead of the “3rd gear 4hi” Cheeks method :smiley:

Cheeks’ Jeep definitely does scoot up the trail really well. A rear locker would have helped on the few wheel-lifted situations on that uphill off-camber rutted trail and the first hill, but it was awesome nonetheless. Barney? More like T-Rex of the Trail…

The other guy’s Jeep did really well for being a basically stock XJ. He had a little trouble sliding around on the tracks behind us in that one picture, but other than that he was a madman, give it hell and throttle down kind of guy thru the mudpits.

awsome…were was this at?

looked like alot of fun!

I think there’s a no-location posting policy of stuff that gets posted to this site.

oo i didnt know my bad??..i was just wonderin cause that place looks formilar

Now that is fucking weaksauce times ten…if u have a 4x4 u beter use it,not no jumping in a couple of puddles n yelling hey i got my jeep dirty i 4 wheeled! …NO!..Let me show u guys the “real” 4wheeling!..Anywho…glad u had fun and wish i was there guys! Thanks for calling…

Mac was that out where we rode before? some of that looks familiar

na this was down this way. it was at the dumps. alot of bikes and quads out today not many trucks.

did cheeks take the food out of his jeep before hand?

More weight,so prob not…

looked like fun

I didn’t see anything but Gatorade…

my back yard,

spent many of long night there in the “dust bowl” aka playground

did u hit the other pond?

We started up on top, by the tracks next to that highway, at the locked tunnel side…went up top to the flat spot, down over that steeeeeep gas line where Cheeks and Jeff did the big cippie holes down at the mid-level of that (off to the right of the gas line if you’re going down the hill)…then we came back and then went up from the creek-side (near the tunnel where you almost get head-on’d every time going thru it), thru that super tight ass-puckering hillclimb, then the off-camber deeply rutted super muddy section, then thru all those mud puddles and into the top of the dustbowl. Didn’t go any further over that hill to the other entrance, it was gettin’ late.

yee haw?

Sorry I missed it. Looks like a good time and probably more fun than the Stiller’s game. Thx for calling.

Going again, give me a call, I’m interested in seeing what the beater truck can do.

Guys that looked like ALOT of fun…I used to love going 4wheelin when I live in TN…heck everyday was 4wheelin there…take a tight turn off the road and you could find a good trail almost every time. I used to have a blast. Consider yourselves lucky to have a vehicle capable…I would take the Honda LOL but she’d bottom out at the site of a large rock! :down:

That did look like fun. As long as jacked up lets me know, I’m going to head out with them next time and I should have some extra seats.