off roading with cheeks and jacked up

WOO HOO…I’m game??? :x: :x: :x:

awww cute widdle jeepers!!!


I hate that Hill, I would hate to come down it backwards,

there is a few long very doable hills back there after you go up the ass puckering hill and go thew all the rutts at the end of that trail u can go left or right (few burnt cars right there) make a right go down that trail and make a left (back was to dust bowl)

make sure you post before you guys go next time, i Def want in. I’ll bolt the 31’s on and go.
have you guys ever been out to layton falls?

yeah we went right at first but we just looped around then went left. two giant puddles at the top of the hill there… then wetn to the bowl that way. it was about 3ish at that point and i wnated to be home for the game. so i convinced everyone to bitch out.

i want to go again soon. had a good time. i need to get ALOT more video

heres the video. just a quick rendition. nothin spectacular but some idea of what they did

you sold yours or you could have came and been bored!!! :smiley:

Yeah, Cheeks backed down that first hill due to lack of speed and traction. I was tight just watching that. I crept up it smoothly, but Cheeks was throttle mad-man.

The Layton falls area is the same as Van Meter slate dumps? If so, yup, used to take my bud’s 2wd out there about 15 years ago and spin out on the slate climbs :smiley:


So whens the next trip out?

that looked like fun give me a call i will go 4 wheeling again.
(but don’t have the 69 rambler to get anyone unstuck this time :hahano: )

Yeah, I believe that Joe’s Toyota was the deciding factor in the unsticking of the non-locker equipped, over weight, pigg’ed out F150 I used to own. :rofl:
Anyway, you got paid and got fed at BK for that unsticking’ procedure IIRC…

i wonder if i still have pics from that?
to this day i don’t know how you didn’t roll that thing going over that hill

I don’t know either…beer ftw? :dunno:

are we going to put the bottle opener option on the jeep?
wish we would have on the truck

lol, we still can. I want a winch first.

I’m probably going to head back out there on sunday again, If anyone is interested

I really need to do some yard work…we’ll see.

off roading > yardwork

You don’t specifics on the public forum, but it is legal to be there right? If so I’m game.

You can borrow my mower in exchange for hitching a ride on the trails.
That will save you 4 hours, at least. Enough time to get muddy.

lol, it’s a leaf problem, not tall grass problem! :slight_smile:

pm me