ummmmm no im good really .
maybe ill help u out… give u the ass sweat puddle as a christmas gift?
Is this who I think it is?
rofl +rep
edit - cant rep
there are no legal wheeling places (public) around the area. If you are looking to do some real legal wheeling check out They are a local club that goes on group rides every so often. As for the illegal places locally, there are 2 that I know of and they are both heavily patrolled. I recommend sticking away from illegal wheeling as it gives the OHV community a bad rep. Your best bet is making friends with someone who has some land behind their house. Someday I’ll be able to take the ZJ out again. Still need to fix my t-case shift linkage, add some underarmor, and find out why both my damn batteries die within 4 starts or 2 days of sitting… even after being fully trickle charged. Also need a new alt.
i blame u for going back for a second round :lol
no,yes,to far(lawn job),no and no:rofl
oh stop actin like ya didnt find it funny and fun:lol
eff cambridge…
<----grew up in schaghticoke/valley falls.
dont hate cause ya lost to us on every level in sports .or cause your town was smaller than my last shit
o i did!
when i graduated, we wooped cambridges ass in everything but football (and thats cuz we didnt have a football team at the school) :shifty:haha