Office Pranks

Haha. I like the super gluing of the pen caps. I will be using that one later today.

If he has a desk phone…my favorite prank to pull is taking a small zip tie and tying their phone chord where it overlaps so it is not visible. Just short of where they would hold the phone up to their ear… :snky:

Other Personal favorites.

  • If he has an Anti glare cover on his monitor you can just put a black piece of paper behind it.
  • You could also put some tape over the ear holes on his phone.
  • Instead of tape on the optical mouse…use sharpie.
  • If he has speakers. Change his sounds settings so that when he closes a window or something it makes noise (If you had time you could down load something profane). Put sharpie over the little light. Turn the volume up all the way.
  • Write " ‘insert name’ IS GAY" in bold letters and make 100 copies of it and walk away.

If he really is a sport…Last but not least

  • Next time he leaves the cube…unplug his monitor, move it under the desk, and plug it back in.

EDIT: I just took all the pens of this one guy and switched the ink inside. The Black is now Blue, The Blue is now Red, and the Red is now Black. And I super glued the ends so they will NOT come back apart for him to switch. I did not glue the caps on. That will be tomorrow.

its funny that we exhausted all of these on others when I worked over there lol

flippyboy sells shit on here every now and then. He loved his blank splash screen haha

there is a program called drunk mouse or alcohol or something. load it on their computer

duct tape everything in the cublice

Take a screen shot of how his screen looked when he left.
x out of everything
remove task bar at the bottom
remove icons from desktop
set as desktop background



Way to read the original post. :tup:

ctrl + alt + down arrow is to flip
and to get it back use the up arrow

not working for me…

edit- n/m it’s because i have a POS computer and monitor at work. I’ll definitely be screwing with people left and right with this tho haha.

that works fine. if its a dell it works, you just have to press the printscreen also… OMG

OHHHHHH i thought you meant you just hid everything on him.
I gotcha now lol.

set up a account so you can control his shit even if you have the day off. Change hi is monitor settings then change the language to japanese so he can’t set them back.

Stab him!

shit in his coffee

I like the pen idea. I would FLIP if I thought I was using a blue pen and it was black. I hate black pens.

Tinfoil everything on his desk. His reaction will be hilarious. If he has an older mouse, take the ball out. Of course, the woopie cushion.

Edit: More- I looked these up.

Make some copies of a paperclip. Then put them into the paper tray of the copier.

Remove the desk drawers in the victim’s desk and switch them around. (If you can’t remove the drawers, just take out the stuff and swap it around.)

Find an old toy with button-activated sound (music, baby crying, etc.). Tape it to the back of the victim’s desk drawer, so that when the drawer is completely shut the button is activated. Leave the drawer open a crack, and wait for victim to arrive.

Tie a piece of cord under the victim’s office chair to hold down the lever that adjusts the chair height. (When you sit on the chair it will slide all the way down, but as soon as you stand up the chair will rise all the way up.) All the ups and downs will drive the victim crazy.

Go into the victim’s office and locate every pencil and pen in their desk. Paint the tips with clear nail polish. When they try to write, none of them will work.

Use glue to secure the victim’s handset to the phone (be sure to use glue that can be removed…check the label first because some glue will destroy plastic). Then go to a nearby phone, call their number and watch while they lift the entire phone to their ear.

Take an item from the victim’s office (something they use a lot such as a special coffee cup, stapler, pencil cup, etc.). Take a picture of the item and leave it on the victim’s desk (in the same spot where the item was located), along with a “ransom” note.

If the victim has a phone with a hook that presses down when the handset is in the cradle, tape it down. When he or she answers a call the phone will keep ringing.

Take all of the victim’s paperclips and hook them together in one long string.

Leave a phone message for the victim that says that a “Mr. Lyon” called (or Mr. Behr also works), and wants to be called back. Then list the phone number of the local zoo.

Print out some pictures of a scantily-dressed girl, or other racy image. Mix them into the paper tray of the office copier or printer. When the victim makes copies, they’ll have a big surprise!

This prank is elaborate but fun: Remove all the drawers from the victim’s desk. Flip the entire desk upside down, replace the drawers, then flip the desk back. Now when the victim open the drawers, all the stuff will fall out straight to the floor.

ROFL :bigclap:


The guy got moved into another cubicle because we had to do some shifting around to keep the teams together. So now he was his own cubicle. Therefore I will be building a cardboard house, painting it pink, and enclosing his entire cubicle.

Pics to come. Hopefully I can pull this off by the end of the week. Maybe do it on friday and let it sit over the weekend lol.

So essentially like this, but not wood.