Office Pranks


where is this? wtf are you talking about?

I feel like you are trying to trick me/us into getting infected with your bumpy/pussy weiner disease, ya fucking creep.

btw, you can never donate blood again… so. yeah… way to help society

lol. doing that in a minute…

Edit - done, awaiting return.

you need a fancy monitor to do that.

im looking for it i found it at work

EDIT: Ill look when i get to work.

Haha, oh man, why didn’t I see this earlier?!?!

im flipping the monitor 180 degrees on the lady who sits in front of me tomorrow

nope, thats not annoying at all

You should clean out your PM’s

Create an administrator account on his computer … install I forget what its called but it allows you to login with out kicking him off… remote into his machine with the new account and BAm restart his computer, shut it off, move his files, put hostage notes on his desktop…

OH BTW if you put a new user account onto his computer… there are a few precuations to take. 1) hide the new accounts name (new_accounts documents, shared space and what not) 2) remove the new account off the initial splash screen. (its just a registry key) Come to think of it… remove all the usernames off the splash screen lol, his too

Or you can go into his bios and make it bootable via usb, put a bootable OS on the thumb drive, so when he restarts it boots from the USB drive and not from his harddrive lol.

Everyone saying to put a small piece of tape on the laser are stupid. Red dry erase marker, he’ll break the mouse before he figures it out.

Ugh I have so many ideas.

LOL at Jam using high contrast mode… I wish there is a way to disable the OMG DO YOU REALLY WANNA GO INTO HIGH CONTRAST MODE PRESS ENTER IF YOU DO

find a “wireless” shock mouse. i did this at work and it was worth every penny times a million. i went around to a bunch of different people and made up some BS story about my new mouse. that it worked on infared or something. then they would try it out on their computer. when they clicked it…ZAP. i swear it was one of the best days ever.

the one guy was so funny. he was bugging my boss about getting a new mouse for like a month. so i was like, dude, check out your new mouse. he was all excited and bundled his old one up and everything with wire ties. then he sat down and moved it. it didnt work at first, but then when he clicked it zapped him and i almost pissed myself.

i think it was like or something. it will be the best $10 you ever spent.

Assuming he has a powerstrip for his PC unplug him from the wall and plug him into yours, but take a 2nd powerstrip and plug it in yours, plug ext cord into 2nd ps under your desk and bango, instant black screen and no power per your demand

wireless mouse/keyboard

Fuckingcotdamsonofacocksuckingmonkeyfuck! Another one?

tape the top of the handset of his phone to the base and call it.

the alt+ctrl+prtsc doesn’t work on my laptop.

it is alt + left shift + print screen

your error calls for more pics of cocks to go your way

↑ Worked on my desktop and it sucks so bad. I like it.

Download what is called a Mosquito Ringtone to your phone,play it throughout the day and drive him & others absolutely nuts.

An idiot did this at my work,the old bosses couldn’t hear it :lol:

I think because in order to use print screen on my computer, you have to use the function key as well. So I don’t know?