Official 06-07 Penguins Thread

Interesting…i wonder what the details are like. i like the last sentence…so I guess we will know very soon on what is going on.

[QUOTEThe Penguins have set a 30-day deadline for deciding whether to stay in Pittsburgh or to relocate.


Things are looking better, I guess

I honestly dont think they are going anywhere

I like to think that…but when politicians are involved you never know…

Mark Eaton FTW

Malone and Orpick are on the trading blok to THe Rangers I hear. Thank God. Orpick is a joke, Malone is too inconsistant. Mabye for Petr Prucha?

I heard that too…I doubt it will happen…well I hope at least. Both of them are a solid part of the Pen’s future

Remember Orpik’s first season? I remember he was a force to be reckoned with, other teams came in and he was one to look out for. Lately he has been sort of a non-factor, and not really delivering any good hits.

Hell, 145 lb. Colby Armstrong lays the lumber better than Orpik.

Ryan Malone, on the other hand, has shown vast improvement, he has definitely stepped his game up.

Supposedly Mark Eaton is getting ready to make a comeback, right around All Star break, or shortly after.

why do we want Prucha …hes small and he sucks …his production was good last year cause he was on the power play with Jagr

Last night’s game was pretty good. Christensen is awesome, I honestly think that kid has the best wrist shot in the NHL. What is up with Blake…cheap shot faggot. Figures Whitney was out there and didn’t do shit…we need a goon to beat dude’s asses…it was cool tho that Malone beat Witts ass…I hate that cheap shot faggot too (even tho that hit was clean). Should be interesting that Blake and Crosby will be on the same team for the All Star Game.

erik was dominant. malone is solid, we wont trade him…best forechecker/backchecker we have. he just needs to hustle more and find the net. the scoreboard doesnt always tell the story so cut him some slack.

Also what really pissed me off was Crosby was the one who got a penalty!!! He gets speared in the gut and gets a diving call…what sense does that make?

I just loved what Crosby said after he got speared and when the game was over …looked at Blake "your fuckin dead,your so fuckin dead "

That was pretty cool/funny…but the thing is even tho he doesnt take shit…he wont really do anything…and he shouldnt have to. We need a goon/fighter like we used to have like Tamer, Lerioux, Barnaby, ect.

I just wonder if hell say/do anything since they are teammates at the all star game next week

I would piss in his helmet and give him the finger with the other hand. Fuck that pile of shit

Pens are 5-1-1 in their past 7 Games…lets hope we can knock off Boston and Toronto before the All Star break. 7-1-1 would be sweet and if Eaton comes back by Jan 30 I think it would help our chances for playoff big time.

Tough loss, need some more defense.
I like gonchar but give stall achance on the shoot-out. New O lines are working out well.

staal, ouellet and malone all should be before gonchar in the shootout. thats just stupid to have him shoot 4th. probly wouldnt matter cause you had to figure kessel is gonna score, but still.