Official 06-07 Penguins Thread

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how many times are we gonna switch goalies?

Here is a cool pic in today’s post gazette…

that is sweet, although the fight was kinda boring

If Crosby’s not scoring, at least he can do some fighting.

…ya hes pretty tough:ugh:

i love having season tickets!!!

It is rumored that Gary Roberts has accepted the offer from the Pens and will be a Penguin. From what I heard We are trading Welch and a draft pick. I guess it is cool…considering Welch is developing slow…I kinda like him b/c I know he has the talent and I would guess lacks confidence. But oh well you always have to see some players go to get a decent player. One thing that I am wondering is we are having a hard time finding room for Ekman…now we have to find room for 2 forwards. I have a feeling that there is another trade in the works that involves a forward for a defenseman. I would hate to see a few players go…and it has been rumored in the past Malone…I hope they decide to keep him…trade maybe Olette or Petrivitski (spelling). Of well I guess we will have to wait and see today

what are we really getting by gettng Roberts? hes almost too old to trade for. my thinking is that hes only gonna finish out the season then either retire or go somewhere else. why get him? hes cool and all but does Shero really think we are makin a run at the cup this year? i hope not. atleast Welch has some sort of future to help this team for a long time and a second round pick is a 2nd round pick. i dunno…maybe im missing something.

1984 draft FTW…haha

Georges Laraque…Daniel Carcillo and an 8th round

I like the roberts trade a lot. He is a garbage goal kind a guy, always at the right spot at the right time (something we lack). Very intelligent on the ice, would work well with malkin and stall.

Laraque is what I have been saying all along, a physical presence that would always keep the other team with their heads on a swivel. We have fighters we need checkers, Talbot has been doing well but we need a name something to make guys think twice before taking blind passes, also he is very good in the offense end, and a great back checker.
Shero = Craig Patrick when he isn’t drunk.

Do you really think Laraque is truely a decent two way player. Two way meaning can make good “hockey” plays while being able to play physical? I havent actually watched him but from what I have read and heard he is just a goon on skates.

laraque has some skills, but none better than guys we have on our 3rd or 4th line(rutuu, moore, petroviky etc). hes still badass tho

he beats the fuck out of people, he’s ok with me

So this will be interesting to see…we aquire two forwards…Ekman is coming back. We were having a hard time trying to figure out where to put Ekman alone…now we have to make room for two more??? So what 3 players have to sit? I would hate to make that decision…b/c right now I cannot think of 3 forwards i would scratch. There has to be another trade in the works, to make some room

Yes, he is underated for his hands and can potentially work with excellent players, when he was with edmonton he had a decent amount of points.
Imagine tho…Petrovivky,Ruutuu, Laraque, we can scare the shit out of Lecavelier and St.Loius next time.
Ekman with Rechi and Crosby.

What about Moore??? Where do you put him? He plays hard and has some skills

foot in mouth

No more Moore

And it is official…we have laraque