Official 06-07 Penguins Thread


Tough loss… that one goal was a joke…way to slide out of the crease for a shot not even on net.

T-Bo had a decent game except for that one goal, and Bob Errey was right again he should have covered it to get the whistle. Got to get a goal with seven powerplays though thats why we lost.

8-0 against the Flyers this season!


that was close. 8-0 sweep is just sweet though. Erik was awesome today. he looked great.

Yep…Christensen + Roberts + domination…that kid’s chot is amazing

This month is gonna be huge… I’m going to the game on the 18th against Ottawa, can’t wait.

I’ll be at the NJ game this week

Pens are leaving. I’m not watching another game.

wtf…they better get shit straight real fast…fuck

fuck them. im tired of this shit. let those faggets leave then and go where noone gives a fuck about them. they can play in there nice new arena in front of 8000 ppl who know nothing about hockey.

why say fuck them? they are getting pushed back and back and delayed far enough. they need to do what they have to do. it’s a buisnes… i somewhat think it may be to even more put fire under the ass of the politicians, but the Penguins are a buisness. and buisnesses do what they gotta to stay afloat.

I just think it’s bullshit that the state is being a bunch of cheap motherfuckers

ya i agree. but if they really wanted to stay here, then they could. the deal on the table, in itself is a good deal. if this deal was presented to them awhile back, they wouldve been all over it. they are holdin out for max money and just for the purpose of feeling like they have been fucked with, the past couple years. i know it goes both ways but if they wann move, then peace fucking move.

None of us know what the fuck is going on. So honestly, its tough to say fuck Mario, or fuck Rendell, or fuck whatever. But I will not watch another game. I refuse to support a team that will not support its city. I hate the Steelers, the Pirates suck and I hate baseball, now what the fuck am I gonna do.

Well the truth is the public will never know the true story…but there is a little hope left…so i will have a talk with my main man JC and we’ll see what happens. Thats all we can do now.

It’s unreal how much ignorance there is about this whole situation. Obviously it’s a business deal. The two sides aren’t meeting on some facts. Sure I think it sucks that the city is not working with a team to secure a very good source of revenue for many years to come.

To go as far as to say that team doesn’t support it’s city? The Penguins are just a product, they have no control over where they play. All those guys get paid no matter where the fuck they play. If you’re going to be mad, be mad at the suits and ties that are worried about dollars and cents.

hes talking about the organization as a whole (more-so the front office guys) not the players on the ice, there chief.

There is a somewhat decent article in the postgazette today. Here is a quote out of it

Sources close to the Penguins say, however, it’s not so much the financial terms as it is a perceived lack of collaboration from public officials that has led to the impasse. They said the tone from the public side has been unduly adversarial for the last two months, including a table-pounding outburst by Mr. Rendell during a Jan. 18 meeting.

I would love to punch that wanna be mofia fucker in the mouth after all this is over with.

ya, rendell is a bitch