Official 06-07 Penguins Thread

Pretty swwet game…nice to get the 2 points. Orpik laid Brashear the fuck out…then Laraque beats his ass…good shit.

yeah goal then ass kickin, that was great!

Aha Yes 1st place …but Devils play 2night…awesome game Christensen looked like a superstar, Crosby played great, Malkin looked decent (other than that beat ass line change), Malone looked sweet, and Armstrong is starting to heat up…These last 4 games will be entertaining I am sure

Devils got a much easier remaining schedule, I bet it goes down to the Islanders game next sunday for the divison.

Devis fired their coach today. lol!! that was smart (sacasm). maybe we win the division now for sure. that makes no sense. they should fire their fans before they fire their coach. 8-10 thousand fans per game is pathetic for a team battling for the conference lead.

Wow…well maybe they are thinking his coaching style is total lameness. We need them to lose 2 more games this year for us to have a shot at the Div championship. Either way I will be happy…so geeked for playoffs!!!

isnt this his first year tho?

Last time they did something similar, they went on to win the cup… they got 2 easier games left, Isles have sucked with out their goalie. Pens play 3 playoff teams, edge is definetly to NJ, more wins by 2 now and 5-3 heads up… doesnt matter, just might have to go on the road.

I am glad I do not have VS…sounded rough

Little reality check never hurt anyone. Buffalo is still the team to beat. If Whitney was on the power play line (playing at all) I think the game would have been a lot different.

Gonna win the last 2 and NJ has to lose 2… big game tomorrow night for a shot at home ice if they play ottawa! I expect them to come out flying after a bad loss!

Sweet we got the W…Fleury played his ass off…looks like we play Ottowa…see if we can smoke the Ranger to secure home ice.

3-1 against Ottawa this season, but they have all been tight.

We’re at a disadvantage because of all the youth talent and lack of experience.

Ottawa is at a disadvantage because they have a history of choking in the playoffs.

The loss was earlier in the season… before they turned things around. I like their chances, they are young, so either they wont know any better or will choke! Hope its the first one.

Sooo fired up for Penguins…wanna see if we will run all4 lines how we were during the season.

also i noticed in most there game u can beat emery high over the glove hand.he goes down early,all they have to do is pick the corners

I had to change my dish package so I could get verus, it better be worth it!

anyone goin to the Rally today?

Gotta work, but today is Penguins day at the 'cast, so I brought in 3 jerseys in addition to the one I’m wearing so my co-workers can be Pens fans too. Maybe I’ll have a rally in the department.

so fired up for the game. i got all my Pens gear on here at work!, but thats nothing new