[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:268,topic:36504"”]

I don’t know, maybe you should read the paper tomorrow and then form an opinion about the game tonight.



im getting annoyed with people saying how “rock solid” our defense is…i think sekera sucks a huge nasty cancerous nut…he’s lazy, slow, and gets beat to every puck…i was fucking thrilled to see that spacek should be back soon, but now the next weakest link of our defense kaleeeeeeeenin goes down (im guessing mcl sprain or acl tear) which means we get, thats right, MORE SEKERA…fuck him, give me card or funk any day

our defense has been the weakest link to the team in ALL of the losses…if you don’t think so, you haven’t been watching the HORRIBLE goals we’ve allowed due to SHITTY DEFENSE